Nova Counseling Services, Inc.

Nova Counseling Services, Inc.

3240 Jackson Street

Oshkosh, WI 54901

Mission: Our mission as a nonprofit organization is to provide the highest quality care at the lowest possible cost to chemically dependent persons and their families.

Clientele: Adults suffering with substance abuse

Services: 28-day residential program for 40-42 individuals; 90-day halfway house program for 8-10 individuals; 2 evening aftercare groups

Internship Duties (120 Hours): Students will participate in specialized training and gain knowledge of chemical dependency as an illness. Students will also have an opportunity to work on conflict resolution and leadership/supervisory skills.

  • Our facility can hold up to 50 clients at maximum capacity and Unit Managers work directly with the clients on a day to day basis. While our clinical team members are in the building most of the time, they aren’t always available. At times a client may want to leave treatment or they may be upset about something that happened that day. Unit Managers or an intern would then need to address these situations. Working on conflict resolution can be many different things depending on the situation. One example may be sitting down with a client and helping them realize that making a decision on impulse is not the best decision. Redirecting the client and discussing the repercussion of their actions is needed and letting them know when behaviors are inappropriate is very important. An intern in this agency must be able to set appropriate boundaries with the clients and remain professional when situations escalate or a client acts out. While clients live with us residentially, at times there can be medical emergencies. During these situations an intern must be able to remain calm and respond quickly. **Note: An intern will always have supervisor available to them and if working in the evenings Clinical Director gives his personal phone number if we need further direction on how to asses an situation. Intern will be trained thoroughly during orientation.

    • Interaction with clients is reported daily in a daily log and read the following day to the entire clinical team. Any notes by an intern will be reviewed and approved by their supervisor. Intern will observe (not facilitate) small group therapy, one on one sessions, education lectures, recovery speakers, staffing, morning and evening meetings, psycho drama, admissions, screenings, AA and NA meetings and much more.

  • Students will meet with clients and their families that come to the facility for admission. During this interaction they would be required to educate them on our programing and give them information on visitation, phone privileges, etc. An intern may also supervise visitation day and be asked to search belongings coming in and make rounds to make sure our presence is known in the community.

The position is a "hands-on" experience with clients and their families.

Advanced Internship Duties (280 hours): Students will participate in specialized training and gain knowledge of chemical dependency as an illness. Students will also have an opportunity to work on conflict resolution and leadership/supervisory skills.

  • For the students required leadership experience they will facilitate and complete a full admission independently. Also, based on the agency’s needs, the student may be asked to facilitate art therapy, reading group, and community. We do realize that Human Services Leadership students do not have a degree in counseling, so another staff member will be present to observe and intervene during these groups if needed. All groups that intern will facilitate are nontherapeutic programing, however we are unable to predict if a client may act out or need direction. For this reason, another staff member will always be available to intern. During these groups and experience the intern will learn how to redirect, confront, and correct behaviors that we work to change so they can accomplish their recovery.

The position is a "hands-on" experience with clients and their families.

Availability: Fall, Spring, Summer, Days Evenings, Weekends

Category: Health & Wellness