The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss by Amy Noelle Parks

Mikaela | Colts Neck High School, Grade 9

Rating: ****

In “The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss” by Amy Noelle Parks, Evie and Caleb have been best friends since they were children. Now, they attend an elite mathematics and science boarding school, where they juggle brilliance with a normal life. Evie has long suffered from severe anxiety, and Caleb is the only one who she can turn to. Evie meets Leo, a new kid at school, who looks past her disorder, and she decides that she’s ready to be a normal teenage girl. Much to Caleb's despair, she starts her first try at dating with Leo. After all, Caleb’s been in love with his best friend for years, having fallen so desperately that there have been fourteen almost-kisses, none of which Evie is even aware of. Now Caleb must take a step back as Evie explores the world of boys without him, all while simultaneously competing with him against hundreds of students in Frontier, a prestigious math and science competition.

In this book, Parks does an amazing job of telling an honest story of anxiety, individualism, and love, with a twist from the original romance novel. The story was driven by the male character, Caleb, which is rare for the genre. “The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss” also shares the important message that even when you feel different or alone, there is someone out there--or right in front of your nose--who understands you. In the book, Evie also struggles with controlling parents. Watching her grow and believe in herself is both inspiring and a reminder that it is never too late to be strong.