Endangered by Eliot Schrefer

Xhaiden | High Technology High School, Grade 9

Rating: *****

Endangered, a National Book Award finalist by Eliot Schrefer, is a moving tale about a fourteen-year-old Congolese girl named Sophie. On her way to her Mom’s bonobo sanctuary, she buys an abused bonobo -- an endangered species -- from a bushmeat trader. She names the sickly ape Otto, and the two become an inseparable pair before long. All seems to be going well, but just when Sophie’s mother leaves to go to a bonobo release site, a group of rebels dubbed the kata-kata attack Congo. Sophie embarks on a thrilling journey to get herself and Otto to safety, even if it takes a million difficult sacrifices to protect her simian companion from the trials they face.

I found this page-turner very captivating, and I believe it is a great read for those who are not too greatly affected by the themes of war and violence presented in this book (which by the way, are not too graphic). I especially liked how the book was very informative in the way that it conveyed a lot about bonobos and the country of Congo. I also enjoyed observing Sophie’s transformation throughout the book: from someone who wasn’t fond of bonobos to someone who would risk her life for them. I found her journey enthralling and her dedication to protecting Otto inspirational. Schrefer has proved that his books are definitely worthwhile, and I can’t wait to read the next book in this Ape Quartet, Threatened.