Your branch reps

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch Executive Committee  

All of the following representatives are volunteers. None are paid a wage by PCS to carry out union activities, including picket duty, negotiating with management or representing members in personal cases and at Employment Tribunals, and many undertake work on members' behalf in their own time. Reps take up post annually with effect from the end of the branch AGM.

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch currently has members at The Capital Building, 101 Old Hall Street (not Passport Office staff), Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Seaforth Docks, Redgrave Court and HMP Risley. 

Find out here what work your reps undertake on your behalf. 

President: Karen Bolger

Vice President: Kris Rowe

Secretary: Phil Mount

Assistant Secretary: Jacqui Halsall-Hughes

Organiser: Mark Spencer-Scragg

Assistant Organiser: Sophie Ford

Treasurer: Andy Nixon

Committee Members: Chris Smith, Dean Barron, Clare Kay, Philip Brightmore, Appi Koovory, Elizabeth Robinson, Simon Porter, Julie Coughlin, Andrew Mabbs, Martin Snape, Emma Mooney, Chris Helm, Paul Jobson, Lindsay Melia, Brian White, Ben Ramsdale, Kieron Worsell

Auditors: 2 vacancies

Health & Safety: Dean Barron, Karen Bolger, Appi Kovoory, Elizabeth Robinson

Advocates Liaison: 

Union Learning: 

Asylum and Human Rights  

Clare Kay, Liz Robinson, Phil Mount, Dean Barron 

Borders & Enforcement 

Border Force 

Simon Porter, Andy Mabbs 

Immigration Enforcement 

Appi Kovoory, Liz Robinson

Visas, Status and Information Services 

Euro, Settlement & BN(O)

Kris Rowe, Andrew Nixon, Mark Spencer-Scragg, Julie Coughlin

International, Visit, Work and Study Visas & Windrush 

Emma Mooney, Martin Snape, Phil Brightmore,, Chris Helm

Passports, Citizenship and Civil registration 


Jacqui Halsall-Hughes, Phil Mount 

If your work area is not specified above you can contact any rep or email us here

Branch members with other PCS responsibilities: Adam Holmes, Phil Mount, Jacqui Halsall-Hughes, Simon Porter (PCS Home Office Group Executive Committee)   

The following reps have left the BEC since the last AGM:

Adam Holmes

Abdulah Moulvi

Find out here what work your reps undertake on behalf of the branch.

(co) = co-opted under branch rule 23(f)

PCS Home Office Group Executive Committee (GEC)

The PCS Home Office Group is comprised of all those union members who are either employees of, or agency workers/contractors undertaking work for:

and there are Trade Union recognition agreements with the following outsourced companies:

The GEC are responsible fo dealing with issues at departmental level that, in the main, cut across local branch boundaries. For example if an issue arises that only affects PCS members in a part of our branch, but nowhere else in the Home Office, it would be picked up by your local branch representatives (above). If the issue affects members in, say, Liverpool, Sheffield and Croydon then it would be handled by the GEC.