COVID-19: Local Returns

Local pressure to return to the office

Some Home Office Merseyside Branch members told by managers that it is mandatory to return to the office.

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch has been contacted by a number of members, particularly from European Casework, who have been told by management that it is now mandatory for them to go in to office on a rota basis despite being in the vulnerable or clinically vulnerable categories.

This is not the case.

While management may encourage you to return, it remains voluntary subject to an individual risk assessment being completed and agreed. We have already spoken to senior management in that part of the branch about this. The guidance is clear and the full document can be found here (this link should be accessed via Home Office systems).

For the avoidance of doubt here is the guidance for those in a vulnerable group which was last updated 31 July 2020:

Clinically extremely vulnerable people

The government has provided guidance on clinically extremely vulnerable people based on what they know about the virus so far and as such place someone at greatest risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

Clinically extremely vulnerable people have been strongly advised to avoid any face-to-face contact and not to work outside the home until the end of July (dates may vary across the Nations).

Note: Shielding provisions may be paused in the individual nations and are subject to reinstatement either nationally or in specific settings or locations. Individuals should check the measures for where they live and work.

Employees who are clinically extremely vulnerable are advised to stringently follow the Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19.

Employees in the clinically extremely vulnerable group must work from home or, where they are not able to do so, be given paid special leave, even where they are identified as an employee associated with essential work until the shielding provisions are paused in the nation in which they live and during any local containment period.

Where shielding provisions are paused, those in this group should continue to work from home where possible. Where a suitable role is not available that allows working from home, any return to the workplace should be on a voluntary basis (in the same way as for clinically vulnerable employees) and carried out in line with the Return to the Workplace Guidance and Protocols and the COVID-19 Individual Risk Indicator tool (CIRI).

Employees should be offered the option of the safest possible on-site roles, enabling them to stay *2 metres away from others and have a conversation with their manager to discuss a plan for a return to work based on an individual risk assessment.

Refer to Government guidance: Guidance on working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19).

Clinically vulnerable people

The Government, in guidance, has advised those who are clinically vulnerable to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household. If clinically vulnerable employees cannot work from home and are content to return to the workplace, they should be offered the option of the safest possible on-site roles, enabling them to stay 2 metres away from others. If they have to spend time within 2 metres of others, you should carefully assess whether this involves an acceptable level of risk. Managers do not need additional permissions, medical or occupational health advice before agreeing this but any return must be carried out in line with the Return to the Workplace Guidance and Protocols and the COVID-19 Individual Risk Indicator tool (CIRI).

Any members who fall into the above categories and continue to be told that it is mandatory to attend the office should in the first instance ask for this in writing along with the guidance management are acting on. Forward your request and the reply, or non reply if such a request is refused, to the branch inbox here and PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch will take it up on your behalf.

9 Sep 20