Home Office HR Transformation Project

Phase 1 consultation paused

Those members affected will be aware that the Home Office began consultation on Phase 1 of its Transformation Project earlier in March. This involves the proposed structure of the Resourcing Operating Model (ROM) and has a potentially significant impact on a number of members.

COVID-19 Symptom Tracker

Self-report daily. Help slow the outbreak. Identify those at risk sooner.

Download the King's College London COVID-19 Symptom Tracker available from Google Play and the Apple App Store. Take 1 minute to self-report daily, even if you are well. Help scientists identify:

  • High-risk areas in the UK
  • Who is most at risk by better understanding symptoms linked to underlying health conditions
  • How fast the virus is spreading in your area

Click here for more information.

NB. Once downloaded you only need to register only once but you need to open it every day to provide your personal update, which takes seconds. However, the app is still in its' early stages and is sometimes unstable. If it crashes uninstall, reinstall, then log back in after which our experience is that it will usually work. There is no need to re-register.

At an initial meeting, PCS along with Prospect and FDA representatives argued for the process to be suspended during the current COVID-19 emergency. We pointed out that staff are under increased pressure both at work and domestically, that they may well suffer a period of illness or be required to care for someone at home and therefore that conducting the consultation and selection process at this time could potentially disadvantage them at a critical time in their career.

Following the meeting, it was agreed that it would be reasonable to pause the process at this time. No date has been fixed at this point for the resumption of the consultation, but this will be kept under review.

It may be that some members would have preferred that the process continued and may view this as extending the uncertainty, but PCS believes that this is the pragmatic approach in light of the circumstances. The project team will continue to answer any questions or comments received from staff and members should continue to contact their Branch Reps with any concerns in the normal way.

Once a date for resumption of the consultation is known, members will be updated as soon as possible.

Joe Hartley (Assistant Group Secretary)

Any queries about this PCS Home Office Group Members' Briefing can be sent to the author here.

1 Apr 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/013/20