
PCS reacts to Windrush report

The report into the scandal of wrongly deporting members of the Windrush generation, many of whom have lived in Britain for over 50 years, found ministers had been "ignorant and thoughtless."

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Titled the Williams report, it showed that the Windrush generation of Caribbean migrants and their children had been “poorly served" by Britain.

The report said: “They had every right to be here and should never have been caught in the immigration net.

“The many stories of injustice and hardship are heartbreaking, with jobs lost, lives uprooted and untold damage done to so many individuals and families.

“However, despite the scandal taking the Home Offce by surprise my report sets out that what happened to those affected by the Windrush scandal was foreseeable and avoidable."

The report also found the Home Office was “too slow to react” to people were being mistreated.

Responding to the Windrush report, PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “The report is a savage indictment of Home Office ministers who showed contempt for the Windrush generation.

“For people who have enriched the social and cultural fabric of the country for over 50 years, to face a hostile environment and deportation is a stain on Britain’s reputation.

“Home Office staff were used as scapegoats by ministers who tried to pass the blame onto them.

“Our members want to work in a humane department that respects human rights. However the hostile environment for migrants created by the government with “go home vans” roaming the streets, enveloped the Windrush generation.

“Lessons must be learnt from this disgraceful episode and the Windrush generation must be compensated.”

Source: PCS national website

20 Mar 20