2017 Home Office Group Conference

The agenda for the 2017 PCS Home Office Group Conference is available to download here. (Standing Orders Committee reports no. 1 & 2)

PCS Home Office Group and National Conferences are where the priorities and direction of the union are set for the forthcoming 12 months.

The group conference will ran over 22 - 23 May in the Brighton Conference Centre. All of those attending from the branch did so in their own time.

Day 1 report

A1 Carried, A2 Carried, A3 Lost, A6 Carried, A10 Carried, A12 Carried, A13 Remitted, A14 Carried, A15 Carried, A16 Carried, A18 Carried, A19 Carried, A20 Remitted, A32 Carried, A33 Carried, A34 Carried

Conference was opened by the President in which he acknowledged the general election in his welcome to conference. The President also read out a quote from Jeremy Corbyn which was given to our Branch delegates by him as they had "bumped into him" him on the train down to London.

Mike Jones, the Group Secretary focused on group organising strategy and gave thanks to our branch un it's achievement of recruiting members since check off was withdrawn by the Department.

Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary, addressed conference talked about his illness, heart transplant and ge acknowleged the hard work of the NHS and its staff. He also thanked branches for their messages of supportad our branch in the work it has done on getting permanent jobs in Liverpool.

In terms of motions, the agenda was reorganised due to one branch withdrawing its motions. Our branch delegates spoke for and against and asked for remittance on a number of motions. Moving motions we had submitted to conference.

Day 2 report

A21 - Carried, A23 - Carried, A24 - Carried, A25 - Carried, A27 - Carried, A28 - Carried, A29 - Carried, A30 - Remitted, A31 - Carried, A35 - Carried, A36 - Carried, A37 - Carried, A38 - Carried, A39 - Carried, A40 - Carried.

President Nigel Buller opened conference with a minutes silence for the victims and families of the terrorist attack that occurred on Monday evening in Manchester.

During the course of the morning, guest speaker Mike McColgan from the Orgreave Truth and Justice campaign gave an overview of the events that took place during the miners strike in the 1980’s which led them to their current campaign for the truth about what went on in terms of the investigation and actions of the police. He made reference to the Hillsborough enquiry and their quest for justice and is demanding openness and fairness from the police regarding Orgreave. Mike formally asked for PCS support for their campaign.

Our reps got up to speak on a number of motions during the day, in support of and asking for remission on various motions. The final motion, A35, in the Health and safety section was unanimously carried and the branch spoke in support of the motion which asked for the GEC to take forward a campaign with the Department to install defibrillators in all Home Office workplaces. The branch were able to inform conference that Home Office Merseyside Branch had recently had defibrillators installed in the Capital Building in Liverpool which was as a result of the Health and Safety Lead for the branch, Dean Barron, continually requesting this and putting campaign material together over a number of years and eventually securing their installation. The branch offered assistance to the GEC in taking this forward.

In the distinguished life membership section 5 motions were unanimously accepted. On the previous day at conference Paul McGoay’s parents and brother accepted the posthumous distinguished life membership award which was a motion moved the previous year for Paul and gave a heartfelt speech to conference resulting in a standing ovation.

The traditional vote of thanks was delivered by Chris Kelly from the GEC and the president closed conference thanking SOC for their work, and all delegates for continuing to attend conference using their own time to represent their members interests.