Coronavirus Border Force

COVID-19: Clarification of Border Force message

PCS write to Border Force for clarification over Covid-19 messages and publish the response from the Chief Operating Officer.

Bear with us

Due to the circumstances that we find ourselves in, naturally it cannot be business as usual. However, PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch will continue to monitor the branch inbox for general enquiries and our online form for requests for assistance as often as we can and we will respond to members as soon as possible. We will to do what we can to assist branch members during the unprecedented period ahead. For information from PCS and the government on the COVID-19 outbreak please visit our Coronavirus page and check our news updates.

A communication was issued by Paul Lincoln and Senior Directors in relation to Covid-19. Sadly, this communication appears to have caused degree of confusion which PCS is sure was not the intention. In an attempt to clarify the situation, PCS sent the following attached to the Director General outlining the PCS understanding.


I trust you are well. I’m afraid the attached appears to have caused some confusion. While I fully accept that we are a front-line organisation, “the priority of the Home Secretary, Home Office seniors and Border Force is to firstly keep you safe and well at work.” The PCS interpretation of the attached is that those who fall into the PHE at risk definition should “Social Distance,” which would include working / staying at home and this decision would be supported by the Department, if that was their preferred course of action. If, however they want to attend, that again is their choice and they will be supported by the Department, but it’s the individual’s choice.

PCS members in BF would also appreciate clear guidance for those officers who’s partners, someone in their household or someone they have caring responsibilities for are on the list. The message from Emma yesterday in relation to pregnancy was extremely clear, however we are now receiving queries from partners that are in the Home Office. I am expecting to receive more queries today in the light of the discussion on the BBC this morning where I understand the advice was for partners to work from home to mitigate against the virus being bought into the home.

PCS would also question the need for non-essential training especially if it involves travel particularly to London which we understand to be two weeks ahead of the curve. Going forward there is a need for communication to be clear and unambiguous, my members have genuine concerns specifically for loved ones who are on the list and the announcement that we would have done well if we keep the total of deaths below 20,000 will have done little to ease this.

In response Emma Moore Chief Operating Officer has confirmed:

I can confirm that: the advice from the Government relating to those individuals with specified conditions who should look to use social distancing is a) a choice for the individual to act on or not; and b) something which the department will support either way. This is not the same as the guidance in relation to symptomatic people – i.e. any individual who is displaying symptoms is not to come to work and would be considered unwell; OR household isolation where the individual staff member does not have symptoms themselves is still not to come to work but can work from home as they are not unwell themselves. There are practical limitations in relation to being able to work whilst at home during household isolation, particularly in relation to caring responsibilities they have.

We will be issuing a clarification Q&A on the social distancing point later.

In terms of advice for people who have household members who are in the vulnerable groups advised to socially distance themselves, our position is exactly in line with the Government guidance – i.e. household isolation should take place where a member of the household is displaying symptoms.

We discussed training – I would imagine that all training courses are being reviewed in line with the revised position to confirm/cancel/amend as appropriate.

Thanks, Emma

EMMA MOORE Chief Operating Officer, Border Force

PCS have thanked Emma for her prompt and concise reply and have issued this to clarify any ambiguity.

Kevin Mills (Assistant Group Secretary)

19 Mar 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/010/20