Summary: PCS have been made aware that payslips are not showing correctly for September 2022

Many members have reported that they have accessed their payslips on the Metis system, to find

that this month is showing that their pay is zero for September 2022. When members access their

payslip the correct pay calculations have been made but their payslip is showing no bank details.

As a result of this SSCL are receiving a huge number of calls and emails. PCS have ascertained

that this issue is being investigated, and there is no need to log a call at this stage.

PCS have engaged with the employer and have been updated that those showing zero on Metis will

still get paid. There are a number of announcements being issued on official platforms over the next

few hours.

If PCS receive any further updates we will issue further briefings to members.

If you require this publication in any other format such as Braille or large print

please contact the central response team responseteam@pcs.org.uk or phone 020 8054 4440.

       Pete Wright

Group Vice President

27 September 2022