2020 Pay Claim

PCS 2020 Home Office Pay Claim Submitted

2020 Pay Claim submitted with additional proposals for changes to annual appraisals and removal of bonuses.

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On 10 June PCS submitted our annual pay claim to the department. This claim is based on our national demands and is designed to make up for years of below inflation pay increases.

Restore fair and equal pay for all

  • National pay bargaining covering the UK civil service and related areas
  • Fair pay, including coherence of pay, terms and conditions across departments and bodies, levelled up to the best in government.
  • Equal pay in multi-employer hub workplaces and across civil and public services
  • Time bound mechanisms for swift progression to the maximum of the pay scale for the grade.
  • A 10% cost of living pay increase for all with a minimum underpin of £2,400; and a living wage of £10 per hour nationally (£11.55 in London)
  • Full funding for pay awards
  • No detrimental changes to terms and conditions or cuts to services

Our demands around 10% reflect the years of below inflation pay rises which some research indicates has left our pay 20% lower in real terms over the last 15 years. We have also demanded that those on legacy allowances (AAA/SDA) are included in the offer in full.

As we previously reported the Treasury Remit has been published and allows departments to use up to 2.5% without recourse to the Treasury for further approval. We demanded that this was met as soon as possible.

Over the last few months we have again been reminded of the integral role that members of the Home Office play in society, and the dedication that they have shown in delivering public services. We believe that this is the correct time to ensure that members in the department are rewarded to adequately reflect this, and we believe that our demands are fair.

Bonuses and Appraisals

PCS has longstanding concerns about the use of bonuses in the Home Office. We believe that the monies that are used to fund what we see as divisive payments to the few should be used to increase the general pay pot for all. Many members see the bonus awarding process as shrouded in secrecy and favouring the usual suspects and riddled with potential favouritism. The statistics in relation to their award make pretty damning reading. They show that year after year they have produced persistent disparities between members of protected groups.

Members who are part-time, BAME, disabled, and older are statistically less likely to receive bonuses. In addition to this the higher your grade the more likely you are to receive a bonus. PCS believes that all this adds up to a system which is indirectly discriminatory and that is not sustainable in its current form. That’s why we have written to the department demanding an immediate moratorium and its removal from the appraisal system.

PCS also believe that the ‘star rating’ system attached to appraisals has detrimentally affected the appraisal system and we are also calling for this to be removed. In a letter to the department dated 12 June wee set out our starting point for further talks;

  • An end to annual appraisals, replaced with continual performance management.
  • Removal of the rating system from the appraisal system.
  • Discontinuation of appraisal-related end of year bonuses, or their replacement with a corporate type bonus for all staff.


PCS continues to strive for decent levels of pay for our members, and a reward system that is both transparent, fair and equality proofed. We have seen in recent years the importance of building and strengthening our union in continuing this fight. Members are urged to recruit their colleagues and consider getting more involved.

James Cox (Group President), Pete Wright (Group Vice President), Mike Jones (Group Secretary)

21 Jun 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/036/20