Intel limited return to the workplace

PCS consulted on a limited return to the office

Returns for NDFU and Casework Intelligence staff.

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Management have advised PCS that they have had a direct request from UKVI to assist with EUSS cases currently on hold awaiting document examination. The proposal is that one NDFU officer attends their normal workplace once per week.

PCS were already aware of efforts made in the Liverpool Intel office to lay out one-way routes, provide hand sanitiser, minimise presence at the photocopier and to restrict the number of staff that could be in the office at any given time. They are in line with what is happening elsewhere on the Liverpool estate. Signage is also to be added to desks to indicate which can and can't be used which will help with social distancing in the medium to longer term. Management have stated that they will arrange for cleaning to resume if it hasn’t already.

One issue of concern for PCS was access to the NDFU examination room which is accessed via a keypad rather than by swipe. As there should be only one member of staff present this is not an immediate issue but management have agreed to look at procuring anti-bacterial surface wipes for the keypad. PCS also raised the issues of document collection and visitors. Requests for examination will be by appointment-only and the caseworker will be required to leave the document at an agreed point. Examinations for other agencies will again be appointment-only and if an external agency does refer a document this will be collected from the main reception by an NDFU officer.

Management are now in the process of identifying which NDFU staff are suitable to return. Circumstances will vary from person to person. Given the proposal for just one member of staff to be present you should discuss a lone-working risk assessment with your manager. If you have any concerns over returning to the workplace make them known to your manager in the first instance and, if you are a PCS member, contact the branch here for further advice if you are unable to resolve those concerns.

Casework Intelligence

Management have also advised PCS that a Casework Intelligence presence is required in 101 Old Hall Street to access an IT system that is not available when working from home. They are asking one staff member to attend Tuesdays and one on Thursdays to update the system. Staff should be advised by managers that once the task is completed they can leave the workplace. Management have also confirmed that they will regularly review whether there is enough work of this nature to require a workplace presence. Other teams already have some staff occupying 101 Old Hall Street so Intel staff should be covered by existing arrangements for that building. Again, if members have any concerns speak to your manager in the first instance and contact the branch here for further advice if you are unable to resolve those concerns.

PCS has not been made aware of proposals for such a return involving any other Intel team.

30 Jun 20