Black Lives Matter

George Floyd and Black Lives Matter

PCS Statement on George Floyd killing and Black Lives Matter

Click here for photos from the Liverpool Black Lives Matter protest from the Liverpool Echo

Members in the Home Office will have seen the tragic and brutal murder of George Floyd in the US which has sparked huge demonstrations there, in the UK and across the world. These mobilisations have come under the banner of the black lives matter movement.

The PCS Black Members Forum has published a statement regarding this which can be found here.

Members and reps in the Home Office fully support this statement. It highlights that the institutional and societal discrimination that exists within the US is not confined to there, and that many of our members, families and communities here in the UK have experience of racism. Recently these have included Grenfell, the Windrush scandal, the impact of the hostile environment, the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities and rising racially-motivated hate crime (up 11% last year).

In the Home Office our members have responsibility for policy on police and law and order as well as delivering the immigration system. We are at the forefront of many of the recent stories which have shown how far we have left to go to create a truly fair society for everyone within it.

PCS has noted and welcomed the recent statements by the Permanent and Second Permanent Secretary in global emails to staff about racism and black lives matter. Words are important and set the tone for the department. The first step in dealing with this endemic issue is to recognise that there is still a problem and PCS supports these statements.

However, statements important though they are, will not be enough and actions must back them up. PCS are keen to work with the department to implement measures to make the department a fairer place to work. That’s why we have today written to Matthew Rycroft, the Permanent Secretary and Race Champion, making the following demands:

  • The work of Windrush compensation is expedited, presently only 60 individuals have received compensation.
  • A full Equality Impact Assessment of Covid-19 and its impact on protected characteristics is undertaken.
  • Comprehensive equality training is rolled out to all staff members.
  • Where private providers are used e.g. in detention and removal, staff receive the same equality training.
  • Removal of the grievance consideration test for Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination complaints. All BHD complaints to be investigated by a Decision Manager and Investigation Manager outside the line management chain.
  • An investigation into the recruitment and selection process and barriers to promotion for BAME staff.
  • A full equality audit of personnel policies of sickness, performance and discipline and their potential adverse impact on BAME staff.
  • An Equal Pay Review of our pay and reward system to investigate potential discriminatory outcomes.

Of course, these demands are just a start, and we can never be complacent about the evils of racism and we must continue to strive for a better understanding, both within society and our own workplaces. PCS is committed to fighting to promote unity and building a stronger, more diverse and inclusive workforce, and to supporting our communities where needed.

Any member suffering discrimination at work should contact their local rep or alternatively PCS also has a 24hr racial incident helpline - 020 7801 2678, which can be used.

PCS members stand shoulder to shoulder with those fighting for justice, their fight is our fight and together we will prevail.

“Freedom is not a gift from heaven, you have to fight for it every day”

James Cox (Group President ), Mike Jones (Group Secretary)

16 Jun 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/033/20