Metis & Pensions

Update for members

PCS were made aware that there have been issues with pensions since the introduction of METIS in relation to pensions and pay data.

Members have raised with PCS that they have experienced issues relating to pension figures. We have raised the issue with Home Office and discovered that there had been some issues in sharing correct pay details with MyCSP since the introduction of Metis. PCS have been assured that these are due to be corrected before the end of January and that the interface will update any details such as pay award changes during the February update, and data will be brought up to date by the end of February. There was a knock-on effect with members being unable to access the pensions portal but in line with the other data this is hoped to be restored in the near future.

PCS will continue to monitor this issue and update members should we receive further information. In the meantime, we will continue to pursue any issues raised to help members receive accurate data on pensions forecasts and information.

Members should note that this issue is separate to the issue regarding allowances not being correctly applied to pensions, which PCS continue to press on but we have not yet received an end date on this and will update as soon as we receive any further information.

Pete Wright (Group Vice President - Personnel Team Lead)

24 Jan 21

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/004/21