Bootle Asylum Update

PCS meet with Asylum management in Redgrave Court

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch reps met with the G7 on 30 March to discuss a number of issues brought to PCS by members including DM targets, returning to the office, pay and the evening shift.

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch Equality Advisory Committee

Open to any PCS members in Home Office Merseyside Branch who identify with one or more of the PCS equality streams or the Protected Characteristics defined under the Equalities Act 2010. The meeting will be held virtually at 3pm on 28 April 2021. Click here for more information about the meeting and how you can join.

Laptop Cameras

PCS noted that some members had concerns that they been told that they needed to turn on their laptop cameras during team meetings/all staff calls. Management confirmed that there is no policy that states this is compulsory but that there have been a lot of staff who feel that they do not feel visible and have suffered mentally because of this. Microsoft Teams gives people the option to blur their background if they do not feel comfortable with people being able to see their homes. Management confirmed that if there are any individuals who feel that going on camera is disadvantaging their mental health they should speak to their team leader but that staff will not receive a warning for not going on camera.

Working From Home

PCS asked what rationale management were using to decide which staff needed to work from the office. Management stated teams have had the opportunity to demonstrate whether homeworking is appropriate and that they have found that in Mersey it is not appropriate to work solely from home. However they agreed that a blended approach does work and benefits both the business and staff. All managers will be in conversation with their staff in the coming weeks to ask what their future will look like and everything will be up for discussion going forward. This would include looking at productivity and whether some individuals would benefit from being in the office. It was accepted that the last year has not been easy for everyone and having caring responsibilities at home whilst trying to do a day your day job has added to that. PCS would highlight that as we are continuing to follow government guidance the current advice is that there can be no full return to offices until 21 June at the earliest.

Targets and Stats

PCS asked what input DMs (Decision Makers) are having when deciding their yearly targets. Management said that targets are based on headcount and percentage trajectory. There were also studies in which it was determined how long it takes DMs to complete a grant/refusal/interview etc.

PCS expressed concerns around stats and how DMs are expected to give each case the “anxious scrutiny” required whilst also completing 4 decisions a week and how DMs are expected to maintain targets when they’re given additional weekly tasks. Management stated that they require more context to fully answer these questions but that they believe that 4 grants a week to be achievable. Management stated Insight is being used so it is not clear where the 4 decisions per week target comes from. PCS proposed that management arrange for local Insight training for staff. Management agreed to look into this. Please let a PCS rep know or click here to email us if this doesn't take place within the coming weeks.

It was highlighted that giving DMs strict timeframes to complete cases appears detrimental to their output quality and that the business model could do with being examined particularly while a lot of staff are WFH. Management said that for those staff all reasonable adjustments have been put in place while we have been WFH from childcare arrangements, flexible workings etc. If there have been restrictions why someone is unable to deliver from home then they need to speak to their manager if they have not done already. Management said that it was hard to answer this question without full context of a person’s situation.


PCS raised concerns over how time (10%) is allowed to EDAs (Equality and Diversity Advisor) to undertake the role on the evening shift. Management agreed that EDAs should inform their line manager at the beginning of the week that they intend to utilise time for the role so that it can be scheduled alongside other work. If members continue to have issues please tell your reps or let us know here.

OM Checks

It was asked whether there could be a designated team set up to just do OM (Operating Mandate) checks to lessen the burden on DMs. Management said that this was partially trialled and it was found that a lot of DMs receiving cases double-checked them anyway as the responsibility falls on the DM if they are not accurate. However, management confirmed that if the responsibility for OM checks changes in future then this will be revisited.


PCS stated that the the DM role is seen as complex and there are other EO roles in other government departments that are not nearly as complex but receive a higher salary. PCS asked why DMs are not paid accordingly, especially as there are announcements that other departments have secured pay increases. Management stated that pay is not something in their power to affect. (Click here for more information from PCS on the pay freeze.)

Reward & Recognition

Members had told PCS that reward and recognition awards had been disappointing when compared with other government departments were some staff have receive £50 - £600. However, locally this has amounted to a thank you letter or coffee voucher. Management were happy with the way in which they recognise staff and felt that it is judged fairly through the reward and recognition team. Management added that they have a choice of spreading the budget fairly over a number of people or could, for example, give 1 person £500. They stated that they had chosen to spread it fairly across the teams. In March 43 vouchers were given out and 32 thank you letters. For the information of members PCS policy on reward and recognition remains that the bonus pot should be diverted into the annual pay award so that all members benefit and it is consolidated into pay.

Staff Retention

PCS asked what management proposed doing to improve the staff retention rate. Management highlighted that the Transformation team are the best people to update on this. Mersey have lost people on promotion and the newly formed academy is one of the ways in which the business is looking at improving recruitment to ensure the right people are recruited. The recruitment package is also being reviewed. They want to amend the job description to make people aware prior to applying what the expectations will be.

Evening Workstreams

PCS said that they had been informed that some workstreams were to be phased out on the evening shift and asked whether there was nay truth to this. Management stated that they were not aware of any phasing out and said it was down to the evening management team to decide and manage the work but that the evening shift managers may need to step in to alleviate any concerns that staff may have.

PCS also asked whether there were any opportunities for evening shift staff to move to days or to move to The Capital Building. Management confirmed that they would never recruit in the day without asking the evening shift first but currently they are over headcount on days at AO.. If any jobs are advertised in The Capital they will be available on Civil Service Jobs and that should be the first port of call.

16 Apr 21