Home Office Pay 2022

Home Office Pay 2022 (including GLAA, SIA & OISC)

National Consultative Ballot reaches midway point

Still not received a ballot paper for the consultative ballot?

If PCS holds a personal email address for you then the ballot will be sent there. It will come from pcs@cesvotes.com. Check your junk folder as it may have dropped into there and you have missed it. If PCS don't hold an email address for you a ballot paper will be posted. If you haven’t received anything, send an email to balloting@pcs.org.uk including your name and membership and/or national insurance number to request a replacement. You have until 11 March to rerquest a replacement.

Consultative Ballot

We are currently over halfway through our national consultative ballot on Pay and Pensions. PCS is seeking members’ view and endorsement of our pay claim. That claim seeks to address the current cost of living crisis, by demanding a 10% across the board rise, £15 minimum wage, and repayment of the 2% pension contributions we have been overpaying since April 2019.

Although this is not a statutory industrial action ballot, its still vital that members vote – we are a democratic union and its important that we know we are representative of members views. A large turnout will give us more leverage when raising pay and pensions with the Government and our employers.

How to Vote

Members with personal email addresses registered with PCS should have received emails on 14 February, 23 February and 4 March with links that can use to vote. Search for an email from pcs@cesvotes.org.uk. If you are not sure whether you have received it, search on those days for an email from PCS, you should also check your spam folder. If you still can’t locate it then you can order a new one from balloting@pcs.org.uk quoting your name, membership number and email address you want to be used.

Members who have received a postal vote can you use the link www.cesvotes.com/pcs22 to vote online with the two part security codes on the ballot paper. If you need a replacement, it must be ordered before 11 March from balloting@pcs.org.uk.

The ballot ends on 21 March, but we recommend voting as soon as possible.

As always – a union derives its strength from its members, and it’s in all our interests that we are a growing union. So if you know a colleague who isn’t a member please encourage them to join using this link.

James Cox (Group President), Pete Wright (Group Vice President), Malcolm Davey (Group Organiser)

10 March 2022