Pressure builds on the Passport Office

COVID 19: Pressure builds on HMPO to send staff home.

Gove to instruct Patel to contact the union.

COVID-19 Symptom Tracker

Self-report daily. Help slow the outbreak. Identify those at risk sooner.

Download the King's College London COVID-19 Symptom Tracker available from Google Play and the Apple App Store. Take 1 minute to self-report daily, even if you are well. Help scientists identify high-risk areas in the UK, who is most at risk by better understanding symptoms linked to underlying health conditions and how fast the virus is spreading in your area. Click here for more information.

NB. Once downloaded you only need to register only once but you need to open it every day to provide your personal update, which takes seconds. However, the app is still in its' early stages and is sometimes unstable. If it crashes uninstall, reinstall, then log back in after which our experience is that it will usually work. There is no need to re-register.

PCS met with the Cabinet Office this morning (9 April) with HMPO at the top of the agenda.

General Secretary Mark Serwotka set out the concerns we’ve been putting to HMPO over the past week. In response, the Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove expressed that he shared our concerns and committed to raise this with the Home Secretary to get back to PCS today.

The media storm that broke this morning followed days of PCS pressure on HMPO in a row over its plans and to put staff safety first. PCS have written 5 times to senior Home Office figures over the past week including twice to the Permanent Secretary.

An online petition was also launched which received over 500 HMPO staff signatures in the first few hours. After a number of requests we are now opening the petition up for people outside HMPO to sign by clicking ‘Other’ under Employer. We need to keep sharing this petition around members and non-members to encourage them to sign and keep the pressure on.

If you’re not already a PCS member – join on-line today.

Mike Jones (Group Secretary), Karen Alderson (Acting PCS HMPO lead)

Any queries about this PCS Home Office Group Members' Briefing can be sent to the authors here.

9 Apr 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/018/20