2014 AGM

Record of decisions

The 2014 Branch AGM was held on Friday 28 February, 3:30pm, (upstairs) in The Cross Keys, Earle Street, Liverpool L3 9NS

Following their decision to rip-up the Departmental Facilities Agreement, Home Office management wrote to PCS to refuse any and all facility time for members to attend their Unions Annual General Meeting. As a consequence the meeting was held outside core-time to allow for the maximum possible opportunity for participation. The Branch appreciated that this did not help our shiftworking colleagues; but we hope that everyone recognised that the blame for this fell entirely with Home Office management.


  1. Chair’s Opening Remarks
  2. Adoption of Agenda- agreed
  3. Apologies - Emma Mooney, Paul Darbyshire
  4. Election of Tellers - Pete Fabb, Gary Jones
  5. AGM 2013 Record of Decisions - agreed
  6. Adoption of Branch Annual Report - agreed
  7. Adoption of Branch Accounts - completed and audited but due to sick leave not available. Agreed that as soon as possible will be posted on the branch website and put to members for agreement at the mandate meeting in May.
  8. Guest Speaker - James Harrison (HMPO)
  9. Branch Elections - agreed
  10. Group Nominations - agreed
  11. National Nominations - agreed
  12. Motions for Debate - agreed

In seeking to ensure that the meeting did not go past the set time, the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) proposed that nominations and motions were put to the meeting by the Branch President without comment. Opposition was invited. If there was opposition in the room they were formally moved and seconded in the normal way. If there was no opposition, acceptance was presumed.

You can view all of the nominations agreed by the meeting here.

You can view all of the motions agreed by the meeting here.