2015 AGM

Record of decisions

The 2015 PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch Annual General Meeting was held on

Thursday 26 February 2015 at 12pm at the Cross Keys, Earle Street, Liverpool

Following their decision to rip-up the Departmental Facilities Agreement, Home Office management continue to refuse any and all facility time for members to attend their Union's Annual General Meeting. As a consequence the meeting was held at lunchtime to allow for the maximum possible opportunity for participation. The Branch appreciated that this did not help shiftworking colleagues but we hope that everyone recognised that the blame for this fell entirely with Home Office management.


  1. Chair’s Opening Remarks were made by Branch President, John Layfield.
  2. The published agenda was adopted.
  3. Apologies: Derek Mellor
  4. Election of Tellers
  5. The AGM 2014 Record of decisions was agreed.
  6. The Branch Annual Report was agreed.
  7. The 2014 Branch Accounts were agreed.
  8. Guest Speaker- Martin Kelsey, former Branch Secretary addressed the meeting.
  9. Branch Elections - the nominations shown below were agreed.
  10. Nominations for conference based elections - none.
  11. Motions For debate - none.

Nominations for Branch posts:

President - John Layfield, Vice President - Karen Bolger, Secretary - Mike Richards, Organiser - Derek Mellor, Treasurer - John McAllister

Committee Members - Diane Burton, Dean Barron, Dennis Harty, Brian White, Emma Mooney, Robin Downes, Alan Saunders, Christine House, Robert Colton, Clare Graham, Jacqui Hughes, Toni Walsh-Shiel