Working 9 til 5 4.20

Management failing to ensure adequate 7 til 7 cover

Over recent months PCS has been contacted on numerous occasions by members working in the Capital Building fed up of being asked to pack up and move to the 5th floor when staying past 5pm (or sometimes even earlier). This was only supposed to ever be a temporary arrangement due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

PCS were therefore pleased when the department responded to the concerns of members and announced that from 13th June 2022 Business Units would have to ensure there was adequate fire marshal coverage in their areas across the full working week and between 7am and 7pm in line with the flexi time agreement.

PCS are therefore frustrated and disappointed by reports from virtually every floor of the Capital since that rather than improve the situation, business units have not arranged the necessary cover and instead instructed members to leave the Capital Building when the duty fire marshal leaves despite this sometimes being as early as 4.20pm

With no clear direction as to what this means for members ability to complete their office working hours coming from management many members have turned to PCS to ask how this affects them.

PCS beleive all members should be able to work their hours between 7am and 7pm and that any early closure of the office should not result in a member being in deficit of their contracted hours.

PCS is calling on Management to work together with us and other business units to agree an urgent solution and ensure members are able to work within the agreed flexi time parameters when attending the office.

PCS are also clear that this is not the fault of any volunteer Fire Marshals and is instead a management issue to resolve.

PCS has already held talks with some of the senior leadership and will continue to press the issue.

22 June 2022