Chris Kelly

3 October 1957 - 10 April 2021

Chris Kelly: Socialist, Compassionate, Comrade

This is to notify members of the sad news that former Group Assistant Secretary Chris Kelly has passed away suddenly. We are aware that some branch members have worked with Chris over the years. A message from the Home Office Group Secretary is below.

It’s with great sadness that I must advise that (former) Group Assistant Secretary Chris Kelly passed away suddenly on Friday 10 April 2021 at the age of 63.

Our thoughts are with family members and with his friends, particularly those from his union branch Home Office Greater London.

Chris started his Civil Service career in the late 70s in the DHSS, but moved into the Home Office in the 1980’s. He was an active member of PCS and our predecessor unions for over 30 years until he took early retirement from the Home Office in 2019. He maintained his membership joining ARMS and continued to play a role in the union.

Chris was certainly a character. He was a brilliant trade unionist who really cared, helping thousands of members over the years. As those who knew him will testify, he was also great company to be with and a great laugh. He built strong friendships with many colleagues that remained even when people moved on.

Chris made a major contribution to PCS. He was elected onto the group executive committee (GEC) for many years. At the time of his retirement he was assistant group secretary and the lead on UKVI matters. A motion had already been submitted for 2021 conference in May to nominate Chris for a Distinguished Life Membership award. Sadly Chris will not be able to collect this befitting award.

Chris had far too short time to enjoy his deserved retirement and he will be greatly missed by many people across the union.

PCS have opened a book of condolence. If you have any personal stories of how Chris helped you (or just nice stories of Chris in general) please send these to We will share these with Chris’s family and publish in a further tribute.

Mike Jones (Group Secretary)

27 Apr 21

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/015/21