Union Learning Fund

Government pulls the plug on union learning

In another snub to the working people who have kept the country going during the present crisis, under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic the government have announced that they intend to end all funding for union learning.

The Government has announced the withdrawal of union learning funding with effect from April 2021. As it stands the impact will be that the very active virtual programme of learning that has been available to members this year is unlikely to be available after the end of March. Therefore, if any members are interested in attending sessions you should not delay doing so.

Neither PCS nor the TUC (Trades Union Congress) agree with this decision which does seem incongruous when a large proportion of the country is going to need support with, for example, re-training as a result of COVID 19 and the resulting job losses that will be caused by the chaotic and ever-changing decisions of this government.

A number of members have let PCS know that the virtual learning programme has helped with their their own mental health during the crisis and that feedback has been much appreciated.

Here are the upcoming sessions that are still available. As usual the first stage in applying for sessions is to register on Eventbrite and the second is to return a completed learner enrolment form with at least the first GDPR box checked. For administrative purposes, Home Office Merseyside Branch members should send the form to the branch Union Learning Rep here.

The TUC have set up a petition calling on the government to reverse cuts to union learning and ensure working people can access education and skills training. Sign the petition here.

16 Oct 20