Performance Management Changes

Performance Management: process of change

Further to MB 043/20, PCS have been talking to Home Office regarding a new Performance management system. As we are now about to begin formal consultation, the GEC wanted to update members.


The Branch Annual General Meeting is your chance to have your say in the running of your Union at Branch, Departmental and National levels. The meetings are set for:

8 March at 12 noon & 9 March at 5pm (both Skype)

Use the voting buttons in any of the emails recently sent to your POISE inbox to tell us which meeting you want to join. A link will be sent to you closer to the date of the meeting. The agenda with details of motions and nominations received is available here.

As we reported in MB/043/20 the department had announced that they were intent on moving to a new performance management system. This was following significant work from PCS to convince them of the necessity of change. The current system is widely disliked, induces stress and panic at mid-year and end of year, and ultimately led to adverse diversity and inclusion outcomes across most protected characteristics.

PCS has been in early conversations with the department since last year setting out our priorities for a new system reflecting the feedback and views expressed to us from members over the years. These centre on a system which:

  • Abolishes the star rating system.

  • Gets rid of mid-year and end of year reviews.

  • Moves to development orientated regular conversations

Whilst we have been successful in arguing that these high-level principles should form the basis for the new system, we have not been able to address one of the major areas of dispute and one that exacerbates the adverse D&I outcomes – the allocation of bonuses and performance-related pay.

Due to the removal of end of year ratings the department have signalled that they are merging the appraisal related bonus pot, the voucher system and the in-year bonus pot into a new bonus reward system. This is money PCS believes is more fairly distributed via basic pay.

Members may have started to see emails from their management chains about the new performance management system. The launch has ambitiously been set for April this year and members will be anxious for training and learning to be rolled out. However, the actual detail of the policy and procedure are not yet finalised and are subject to consultation with PCS union, planned for this month.

During the consultation period PCS will be keeping members up to date and seeking the views and input of members to ensure that we accurately reflect your views in our responses. This may be through a variety of means, due to the current COVID restrictions so please ensure that you keep an eye on local union websites and on member’s briefings to ensure that your views are heard in forming the new process.

In the meantime, PCS would remind members, that it is only through strong membership that we are able to make these changes and therefore, if you know of colleagues who have a view on the new system, encourage them to join PCS and have their voice heard.

Pete Wright (Vice President, Personnel Team Lead)

23 Feb 21

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/007/21