Asylum Liverpool

Asylum Update for Members

Members have raised issues with PCS reps in Asylum in recent times which have been taken to management. Here is an update on a number of them. If they persist or new issues have arisen contact your branch reps here or speak to any of the reps based in Asylum.

Coronavirus guidance

Latest information on the website if you think you have symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Keep checking for updates on Horizon (Home Office staff).

Coronavirus Screening

Last week PCS met with management informally as we had concerns that the Permanent Migration Interview Team (PMINT) had arrangements in place to screen applicants at the reception stage when they when they arrived for interview, and before they reach the interviewing officer, and that similar arrangements needed to be in place for asylum applicants. Management agreed. Those arrangements should now be in place with reception checking whether applicants arriving for interview have any symptoms, if they have been in close contact with anyone who has presented with those symptoms or travelled from any of the affected areas (although the latter should have been long before the incubation period expires). Applicants and interpreters entering the Capital Building are also provided with hand sanitiser.

Skeleton Staff

Management raised with PCS the possibility that some members may volunteer to act as a "skeleton staff" in the office if required. PCS suggested that even if members were to volunteer that management needed more information to show indicate whether they "should" volunteer. As a result, the initial information that was to be requested, ie, whether they travel by public transport and would they be willing to come into the office should be augmented with further information such as medical conditions, caring responsibilities and even age given what is currently know about the virus. It is a matter for members should anybody volunteer but PCS would expect all NHS, Public Health England and departmental guidelines to be applied and to supercede any such arrangements should circumstances change.

If members have further queries on either of these issues please contact your branch reps here or speak to any of the reps based in Asylum.

Updates on other issues

  • Stats

Stats sheets did not record exceptions and members were not allowed to claim exceptions as they have been provided with a boost up to 20%. PCS were aware that standardised 20% exceptions are recognised across all caseworking departments to allow, as an example, for team meetings. PCS were of the view members should be allowed to claim exceptions to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances such as complex cases or individual IT issues.

  • Lengthy interviews

The department agreed with the PCS stance that interviews that are particularly lengthy should not be booked in for doubles. They are trying to accommodate this. If there are ongoing issues let us know.

  • Interview safety

Management have agreed that if members feel unsafe whilst interviewing they are under no obligation to stay in the interview suite and can leave as soon as possible. Additionally, the issue of TB was mentioned in relation to interviews. The department stated that if you are pregnant you can request to be taken off interviews and if you are concerned in any way, suspend the interview and seek guidance.

  • Op Mandate

PCS raised the issue of Op Mandate training requesting that it be provided to all staff due to the implications of it not being followed correctly. The department agreed that this was important and would be arranged.

  • Naming conventions

PCS raised the issue that members using their full names on letters is a security risk. The department agreed and said that using a first initial and surname is encouraged.

  • Letter writing

PCS requested more support for members in letter-writing. Management department stated that as we have moved to a singular-cell model this should help as and there will be Technical Specialists and experienced staff on the teams who will assist. Let us know if there are still unresolved issues.

16 Mar 20