2021 Annual Report

Part 5: Finance

Branch Financial Report: Accounts for 2020

We receive our funding from PCS allocated funds from member’s subscriptions. The purpose is to reimburse reps who may need to spend money or travel during their dealings with members but are subject to guidelines to ensure necessary and appropriate use. Branch Treasurer, Helen Gilbert reports back on our 2020 finances.

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch Annual General Meeting 2021

This years' AGM will be held online in two sessions over 8 & 9 March. Members can join either session. Click here for details, how to join the sessions and how to submit nominations and motions.

The year 2020 has seen our branch embrace technology more than ever before for meetings and personal cases and as a result of this we have had no expenditure for this year.

The Figures

The funds are allocated from members contributions. Members can be assured of how frugal this branch is, making full use of technology and which keeps costs down and enables money to be put towards fighting funds and campaigns benefitting us all.

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch account has a balance of £324.22 for 2021 which is an increase from January 2020 when the accounts balance was £222.80.

This is due to the monthly payments from PCS centrally into our account and the lack of expenditure from the branch. This will be considered when PCS looks at funding us for the coming year

Workers Beer Company account

This account is funded by members working festivals in the summer while spending their leisure around the festival events. In 2020 we did not receive any money from this source, but we still had a credit of £209.85 available for use.

Expenditure from the account this year was donations to the following campaigns that PCS Home Office Merseyside branch supported:

  • · £50 to Hope not Hate campaign

  • · £50 to support our fellow PCS members from HMRC Bootle when they were on strike during the cleaners dispute

As you may have already read a former PCS rep Liz O’Connor sadly passed away on 23 December 2020. Her family cited two charities that Liz supported for donations in lieu of flowers. These were Amnesty international and Reprieve. The Branch Executive Committee (BEC) met on 13 January 2021 and unanimously voted to make donations both worthwhile charities in Liz’s memory. These will appear in next years' report.

Helen Gilbert (Branch Treasurer)

14 Feb 21