Foreign National Offenders Returns Command

FNORC Update

Update on flexitime and confusion over FNORC ‘performance sheets’.

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Confusion over FNORC ‘performance sheets’

Your PCS reps have received a number of queries from members in FNO Returns Command over the last few weeks about a mandatory requirement to provide estimated timings when completing ‘performance sheets’.

Members have raised their concerns with their HEOs themselves but have been met with short shrift and told that the instruction has been handed down verbally from the top. This is despite the guidance members have been given on completing the sheets (November 2020) which clearly states on slide 6 that it is not mandatory,

"Estimated Time on Task: This box is not [sic] mandatory however, if staff do complete this box it will provide essential information with regards to timings on specific tasks. The timings are not reflected against a person and are solely used to record the average time taken to complete a specific task across the entire business. Any timings recorded could potentially be used to record best practices across the department against a task and could improve how we work as a department."

As this mixed messaging is causing confusion we have written to the Assistant Director FNORC Liverpool to for confirmation of whether:

  • This has been made mandatory, and if so;

  • The reason this is now required

  • How the data is being used

We further asked that if the instruction has changed that the guidance is updated to reflect any changes and to ensure our members are following the latest guidance. In response the department have confirmed that new guidance has been issued.

The department also accepted that initially a decision was taken not to make the completion of the timings mandatory but this position has changed. Completion of the estimated timings and any requirement to record if a task has been completed ‘in or out’ of time is now mandatory. The data is required to provide a benchmark to establish how long tasks are taking, to review team performance against agreed measures and to facilitate a focussed comparison of teams undertaking same/similar work. The team timings, along with a number of other considerations will eventually provide a picture of where the business may need to divert resource, make the case for additional permanent resource, and identify or deliver training needs to facilitate development and improve performance.

Management have said this will help make FNORC "a great place to work".

If members encounter issues with the timings being used in individual performance action rather than just to review “team performance” then please get in touch with your local branch reps.

Speaking of making FNORC a great place to work.....

Flexi in FNORC

PCS has also received queries from members denied the benefits of flexitime in FNORC who are working at home other than if they were working on a case that was deemed ‘urgent’.

As a result PCS contacted department leads to query if there was a current policy at all within FNORC about the accrual of flexi time whilst working from home.

As a result management reissued the unit’s position that was circulated in January to staff and had also responded to the issue directly on an open staff call.

In her instruction, which is more proscriptive than members may be used to in other areas of the business management explains that the needs of the business come first and individuals would therefore not be permitted to work hours that impair the efficiency of their team or accrue flexi credit unless there is sufficient work available. However management clarified that there remains the ability to accrue flexitime where those work demands exist subject to permission from managers.

PCS don’t believe that flexitime should be, or is, a purely one way street only there to benefit the employer. The existing Merseyside Flexible Working Hours Agreement states that "FWH agreements are designed to give employees the opportunity to be flexible about their attendance, though within reason and clearly defined limits". Allowing our members to work flexibly and use their judgment should be a core principle for a good employer, especially as we work our way through these challenging times. As this issue also affects members outside Liverpool we have referred the matter to the PCS Home Office Group lead for IE to take forward and are awaiting a response. We will publish a further update when we have it.

26 May 21