Shift allowances in the Coronavirus pandemic

Shift allowances and COVID-19

On 16 April 2020 PCS were advised of the Department’s line on 60 day paid limit for staff in receipt of Legacy Allowance (SDA and AAA) on special leave; SDA premium payments and Annualised Hours Working

COVID-19 Symptom Tracker

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This was followed on 17 April by an announcement from the Chief Operating Officer of Border Force (BF). Immigration Enforcement ( IE ) are yet to formally comment or send guidance out to staff following the Department’s announcement.

PCS welcomes the update but would have appreciated some meaningful dialogue prior to any announcement, and in a more timely manner.

60 Day Limit

Civil Service terms and conditions state that allowances such as SDA and AAA should cease after 60 days special leave. This does not apply to AHW, as the policy document makes explicit reference to it. However in these unusual times staff considered at high risk ( and even those who have family members who are high risk ) are being told they must self isolate on special leave for an initial 12-week period, and this situation is unprecedented. PCS had raised memberships’ concerns over the impact of this policy on multiple occasions and through multiple channels.

Thankfully the Department have decided to waive this 60-day limit. PCS welcomes the removal of limits applied to Special Leave arrangements for those on legacy allowances (SDA and AAA) and Maritime Allowances.

SDA premium payments

More contentious is the policy decision (made with the support of Border Force senior management) not to pay SDA premium payments where business need does not require them to work weekends or public holidays. It has to be noted that this is in marked contrast to the manner in which the Seasonal Workforce (SWF) are being treated by being paid in full until the end of May, whilst they were infact released in early April.

While these changes will have almost an immediate impact on SDA staff self isolating for 12 weeks, those currently attending work may well see their weekend and public holiday attendances reduced. Border Force has also decided that where there is no operational requirement to deploy SDA staff on weekend or public holidays they will revert to Monday to Friday working. This has quite rightly led to raised concerns from staff who have had no pay rise for several years anyway. These concerns centre around the financial impact as well as the practical implications for childcare and domestic arrangements of any changes.

These concerns have accordingly been raised by PCS. Again, there was no consultation on proposals which impact significantly on the pay of many. It is vital that where you are stood down from premium days due to being on SDA, that you are clear that there is a business need for doing so. Members must advise their PCS Branch immediately, along with the impact these measures have upon you.

Despite relatively positive noises coming from IE before this announcement they are yet to comment in any detail on this issue. We are told that both BF and IE are looking to take a consistent approach to this, but even they accept that the nature of their work differs to the extent that consistency may not be possible in all areas. We are informed that IE is likely to communicate with PCS in the coming week.

Annualised Hours Working (AHW)

AHW policy is quite clear, and unworked hours remain to be worked later in the year should there be a genuine business need. While the Department want a consistent approach between BF and IE on AHW (and we are told the leads will meet this week) they appear to be slightly slower in ensuring a consistent approach when it comes to Covid-19 related Safe Systems of working and members’ welfare. Whilst this is the current position (and AHW policy is the Policy) there are both Doves and Hawks in the centre in their attitude to dealing with AHW. There is no doubt that AHW will be continually monitored but as yet we are unsighted as to any plans. PCS continues to push for early engagement prior to the formulation of these plans and most certainly before their publication.

As and when we receive any information on Shift Allowances we will keep you the members informed. If you require any clarification then please do not hesitate to contact your Branch Office.

Kevin Mills (Assistant Group Secretary Border Force ), Stephen Taylor (Assistant Group Secretary Immigration Enforcement)

Any queries about this PCS Home Office Group Members' Briefing can be sent to the authors here.

21 Apr 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/021/20