Liverpool Asylum Update

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch reps met with Liverpool Asylum management. Members from asylum operations had questions and concerns over the introduction of a rota for all staff to come into the office one day a week, the outsourcing of asylum interviews to a third party, the current flexible working hours arrangements, stats and probation.


PCS asked Official Side to clarify whether or not clinically vulnerable and extremely vulnerable people would be expected to come into the office. Management stated that those extremely vulnerable were recommended not to come in and the clinically vulnerable would not be put on the rota but could come in if they wanted to. They confirmed that based on the current restrictions as of 15 September we would be continuing as we are per the email that was sent out by management. If we go back into full lockdown official side stated that it would be managed accordingly. (NB. This meeting was held before the new restrictions set out by the government). The department said that if there is anyone who is not vulnerable, but they are anxious about coming into the office, managers should be sensitive and put staff on video chat in order to make them feel more at ease.

Privatisation of asylum work

PCS asked the management what their views were on the outsourcing of asylum interviews to a third party and who the third party was. Management were unable to discuss their views and said they were aware of who the third party was but were unable to say at this time. Members had raised concerns that they had been misled with the introduction of Interview prep sheets as they were led to believe it was to speed up the process for current DMs and it now appears that it was for the benefit of the third-party interviewers. The department said that no one has been misled but that if it benefits the third party then so be it. Management wanted it to be noted that Central Ops and PCS centrally should be the ones to give their opinion on this.

PCS asked why resources were being given to a third party when we have experienced DMs who do not have the equipment to interview. Management stated that there were more laptops on order but that this hadn’t been as quick as they would have liked due to global demand for IT equipment. However, it was important to protect our jobs and show that we are the best people to do this work. (Since the meeting more laptops have been delivered to the Capital Building but PCS have been told they were for the third party interviewers.)

Concerns were raised over referrals to the barrier team. The department stated that the barriers team has more staff than ever and if anything it will be getting scaled down in the near future to enable more decisions to be written. Management also stated that the third party will receive full security checks and training. In the instance of third party interviews being of poor quality management stated that Interview prep would be taken into account as would the interviews but it “would not be used as a tool to beat someone with”.

Flexible working hours

PCS asked management to confirm their view on current flexible working arrangement for the office and home who stated it was as normal. Travelling time was initially given to those going in at the beginning of lockdown but now it is back to normal flexible working hours arrangements.


PCS raised the point that the SMT wanted to know what decisions staff had completed the following week and what had prevented them from being implemented and whether this was with a view to reduce the stats for DMs. Management stated that it was to understand what the blockers are and that it is something that is done every week during business as usual. Management stated that team leaders will have access to Insight and that there are ways of measuring what has been done and peer comparison. Management also said that due to additional exceptions being considered members were now expected to do two events per week rather than four.


Members on probation have expressed concerns regarding being close to the fifteen-month mark and nowhere near to being signed off. PCS asked whether they can be given a clear answer on whether probation will be put on hold until more interviews have taken place and there are more cases that are suitable for trainees. Members had also commented on answers on the question log being vague and lacking in empathy and understanding. Management's response was that team leaders should be working closely with people on probation and there isn’t one answer for everyone. Management also stated that it should be dealt with on a case by case basis and that those on probation should be having regular meetings with their team leaders and tech specs for advice. Management said that the FAQ covers probation and it may feel like they are lacking in empathy but they are tied in terms of management and process. Management said they do empathise, and this is not always conveyed in the written word.


PCS asked when the trained new members of staff could start interviewing as they have been told that they are unable to at the moment due to tech specs being unable to dial into the interview. Management stated that new people are due to start interviewing either this week or next week and it has been made clear that they want new people to start interviews.

1 Oct 20