Border Force Update

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch reps met with Border Force management

Members at Seaforth contacted the branch with concerns about future changes to the roles of PCS members on screening site work.

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Screening Site

The issue was raised with management attention at the last Border Force/PCS pitch meeting. The branch recognise that any changes to members work role, shift changes etc. can cause anxiety and it’s therefore important that management involve staff and update them with any potential changes as early as possible in the process. Senior management informed PCS that they were looking at the structure of the teams involved in that work as well as looking at utilisation and identifying meaningful work. It was all under review with no decisions made yet. Management had previously informed staff when the screening site work first went 24/7 that they would be looking to identify other meaningful work for staff to do and GA work was moved over but that work is not long term. It was confirmed at the meeting that different operating models are being considered and if any changes to structures, shifts, or work are identified members will be updated at the earliest opportunity and individual staff abilities and personal circumstances, including reasonable adjustments, as well as development opportunities will be discussed and taken into consideration.

The review is at an early stage and no concrete plans have emerged as yet however management undertook agreed to update and engage with staff of any potential changes and decisions through the line management chain and will include PCS in any updates. The will be included as a standard agenda item from meetings going forward. Any communications from management on this issue that members have concerns with should be discussed in the first instance with their line manager and if necessary be forwarded to the branch for further discussion at the monthly meeting.

No other items were raised by members for the meeting.

Health & Safety

COVID compliant inspections have taken place at Seaforth, JLA and Warrington with no major issues identified. Warrington had no issues, at JLA, there were a few things to address, mainly signage which is in place but some of it needs replacing. At Seaforth the standalone hand sanitisers were not working however actions are in place to remedy this and will be followed up. Members should raise any non-compliance with COVID guidelines or other general health and safety issues, at the earliest opportunity through their line management and the nominated health and safety officers responsible for their area.

The next meeting with Border Force management is scheduled for 16 July. Details will be published on the branch website for submissions from members for the agenda for that meeting.

2 Jul 21