Pay freeze plans?

Sunak set to announce (another) public sector pay freeze

Outrageous pay freeze latest insult to key workers

A public sector pay freeze, which chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to announce is a grave insult to millions of hard-working government workers whose dedication has kept vital services running during the pandemic.

The chancellor will set out his spending review next week, giving details of how much money will be allocated to different departments during the 2020-21 financial year. He is expected to make the case for pay restraint to reflect a fall in private sector earnings this year. So, once again, it is UK government workers, who have suffered a 20% real-terms pay cut because of pay freezes and caps over the past decade, who have to pay for a crisis.

This year during a time of crisis PCS members have:

  • delivered the job retention scheme

  • dealt with millions of Universal Credit claims

  • kept our justice system running

  • kept government running

  • kept our transport network open

  • kept our borders open and secure.

It's therefore crucial that PCS members and supporters show disgust at the plans by signing our online petition for fair pay for UK government workers and force MPs to debate the issue in parliament. The petition has been signed by more than 75,000 people and once it reaches 100,000 it must be considered for debate in parliament.

Click here for PCS General Secretary, Mark Serwotka on the plans.

20 Nov 20