Liz O'Connor

Message from Branch President, Karen Bolger

I would like to inform members of the sad passing of one of our branch representatives, Liz O’Connor, on 23 December 2020.

Liz worked in European Casework (EWH). She was a member of the PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch Executive Committee who had previously undertaken the role of Union Learning Rep and helped members with personal cases during her time as a branch representative. In recent years she participated in picket line duty and leafletting campaigns with the rest of the branch reps.

Liz was well-liked and a very thoughtful, kind person. We recognise her contribution to the branch and in supporting members and she will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with her family, friends and colleagues at this time.

Liz’s family have asked that, if colleagues wish to do so in her memory, donations are made to her favourite charities: Amnesty International and Reprieve.

Management will inform staff of the funeral arrangements in due course and the branch have sent condolences to her family. RIP Liz.

Karen Bolger (Branch President)

8 Jan 21