Asylum Liverpool Update

PCS met with Liverpool Asylum management

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch reps met with management in early November to discuss new team targets, retention and communications.

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PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch also occasionally sends notices to personal email addresses as we did in the early months of the pandemic and lockdown in 2020. Hundreds of branch members have provided their personal email addresses and mobile phone numbers. Join them. Click here to send us your details. If you have already done so but they have changed recently update us now.


PCS raised issues regarding the new team targets as one team had had their target increased by 30% the following month which was felt to be unreasonable. The management response was that the capacity plan is undertaken by Business Support Unit who look at different factors such as how long people have been in post and staff availability. Management also said that grants of asylum are quicker to write than refusals and as we are a minors hub the majority of cases are grants. Management stated that they would have a look at the figures but noted that some staff members are only hitting two events a week.

It was raised that staff are required to complete a refusal letter on overtime in eight hours while during the week they get considerably more time. Members were concerned how this would affect the quality of work and why the difference in time given to complete. Management stated that during the week there are more disruptions and the extra time allows for this.


In a recent “On the Spot with Emma”, staff raised the issue of retention, a longstanding issue, which it was said would be looked into. PCS asked how this was going to be looked into and when would we receive feedback. Management stated that this would need to be raised with the retention lead.


Some members had queried the “tone” of certain emails being sent to all staff who had concerns that the manner in which they were sent was threatening. This was raised by PCS and the management response was that they would take on board the concerns and ask people to think about the message that they are sending and said that staff should speak to Team Leaders about any concerns. If members continue to have such concerns that go unresolved let PCS know.


The issue of pay was raised, however management stated that this was a political issue and not something that they could influence.

The next meeting with Asylum Liverpool management will be on 13 January. Email us here if you have any issues that you think should be raised with management at that meeting.

25 November 2021