2021 AGM

Notice of PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch Annual General Meeting 2021

This years' AGM will be held in two sessions over 8 & 9 March. Members can join either session.

Stay up to date

.......by adding this site to your favourites and checking our news updates, and by following us on Twitter.

PCS also sends occasional notifications to personal email addresses. The branch did so for a limited period when many members were at home and without Home Office devices. Hundreds of branch members have provided their personal email addresses and mobile phone numbers. Join them and click here to let us have your details here (PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch members only). If you have already done so but they have changed recently update us now.

PCS members are given notice that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) Home Office Merseyside Branch will be held in two virtual events on:

8th March at 12 noon (Skype)


9th March at 5pm (Skype)

Skype details will only be provided to members who notify the branch that they wish to attend.

Have your say!

The Branch Annual General Meeting is your chance to have your say in the running of your Union at Branch, Departmental and National levels. Through discussion and agreeing motions, you can help shape the day-to-day policies of the Union.

We look forward to seeing you at the virtual meetings.

The agenda with details of motions and nominations received will be available from 22 February.

You will receive (4 February) a mailshot in your POISE inbox (and there will be 2 follow-up emails) which will include a nomination form (instructions below) and voting buttons. Please use the voting buttons to tell us which meeting you intend to join. We need to know as there is an upper limit on the number of members who can join each event via Skype. Joining details will be sent to you closer to the time. If you don't receive the email for any reason click here to let us know by no later than mid-day on 12 February.

Following their decision to rip-up the Departmental Facilities Agreement Home Office management refuse any and all facility time for members to attend PCS Annual General Meetings. As a consequence we are holding the meetings at lunchtime and late afternoon to allow for the maximum possible opportunity for participation. The Branch appreciates that this may still be difficult for shiftworking or evening working hours colleagues but we hope that everyone recognises that the blame for this falls entirely with the Home Office.


Nominations are invited for election to positions on PCS committees dealing with Branch, Departmental and National issues. A link to a summary of the roles and responsibilities for some of the posts subject to election can be found here: Summary of Branch Roles and Responsibilities

If you wish to nominate a PCS member for one of these positions, or are interested in standing yourself, you should complete the relevant sections of the Branch form attached to the email you will receive. Ensure that you have somebody who is prepared to second your proposal. Once the form is completed by the Proposer it should be forwarded by email to the Seconder. The Seconder should then forward the completed form to the PCS Branch Office. The deadline for receipt is 12 noon on 14 February 2021.

Please note that nominations received from anyone other than the Seconder will be deemed to have been improperly submitted and therefore will not be accepted.

Branch elections

In the event that the number of nominations exceeds the available number for any Branch positions an election will be held. Members will be advised of arrangements should this be required.

Motions for debate

Motions, if agreed at the AGM and/or PCS conferences, are a way of setting PCS policies and priorities for the forthcoming year. Members are invited to submit motions for debate at the AGM. They can be:

  • Branch Motions - dealing with issues unique to Merseyside Branch;

  • Group Motions - dealing with Home Office-wide issues to be taken forward to the PCS Home Office Group Conference;

  • National Motions - dealing with issues covering more than one department or social and economic matters to be taken forward to PCS National Conference.

If you want to submit a motion but need help in writing it click here to let us know.

Again, once the form is completed by the Proposer it should be forwarded by email to the Seconder. The Seconder should then forward the completed form by email to the PCS branch office here.

The deadline for receipt is also 12 noon on 14 February 2021.

Please note that motions received from anyone other than the Seconder will be deemed to have been improperly submitted and therefore will not be accepted.

Remember, you will receive a mailshot in your POISE inbox on 4 February which will include a nomination & motions form. If you don't receive the email for any reason click here to let us know by no later than mid-day on 12 February.

2 Feb 21