29 January Fair Pay Rally

Join the online PCS North West Fair Pay Rally on 29 January

With the 2021 pay freeze announced by the Government looming, we are inviting you to get involved in our pay campaign by attending your regional lunchtime pay meeting via Zoom on Friday 29 January. The meeting will take place between 12 and 1pm.

The meeting will hear a national pay update from PCS Assistant General Secretary John Moloney and Paula Barker MP will be there to answer your questions about what can be done to pressurise the government to scrap the pay freeze.

There will be an opportunity for you in the meeting to ask questions and get an update on the PCS campaign.

If you want to attend please email NWRC@pcs.org.uk to indicate you wish to attend and we will send you a link to join the Zoom meeting. Use the same email address if you want to ask a question in advance – the chair will put these questions to the speakers on the day but you can ask it in person too if you wish. If you have any access requirements for the meeting (eg signing service) again please let us know in advance.

In 2020 over 100,000 people signed a petition about fair pay for civil servants. We managed to get a debate in Parliament. Join this meeting to make sure you are part of our campaign for fair pay in 2021.

25 Jan 21