Channel Crisis

Vessel Turnaround At Sea

The deaths of 27 people in the channel trying to reach the UK, is an absolute tragedy. This catastrophe underlines why the safety of migrants trying to reach Britain and that of our Border Force members is paramount. It’s been shocking that the government is suggesting Border Force staff turn boats back, which will clearly be against international law and morally reprehensible.

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As members are aware Maritime Senior Leadership Team have decided to activate and deploy Op Sommen (Turn round of Migrant vessels in the Channel.)

PCS have been fighting against the government position for a number of months, in opposition to turning small vessels round in one of the most dangerous and busy stretches of water in the world. We’ve been in regular contact with members dealing with this appalling situation offering support and encouraging them to submit letters of protest.

Members will be aware of the recent leaked document that states:

Counsel has told the home secretary that the odds of successfully defending a challenge in the courts against the lawfulness of plans to send vessels carrying people back to France is “less than 30%”.

We are currently seeking further advice which may lead to the option of a Judicial review being undertaken, in the meantime however PCS would seek to protect its members from any unlawful act. The first instinct of PCS members encountering individuals, that in many cases are using unsafe and unsuitable boats for crossing the channels, is to help and not put them at further risk. In addition to the risks of this system it is also highly inefficient with the possibility of no more that 1% of vessels being turned around if all the criteria to do so are met.

Since the Minister’s announcement that she wanted to give Border Force Staff immunity from prosecution, PCS have been deafened by the silence. Whilst we welcome the protection of our members, it will be those members who will be directly impacted by any failed attempt to ‘turn round’ and we are arguing strongly that our members should not be put in this position in the first place.

Instead of seeking to grab headlines with a hard-line stance that even the government’s own advisers believe could be illegal, the government should be working collaboratively with other governments to find genuine solutions. They should also re-examine their foreign policy which is contributing to the destabilisation of many areas around the globe forcing people to flee their own country.

PCS will continue to press for a system that protects all individuals from risk of injury or death, whilst protecting border security.

Let us be clear, we are reviewing all options, including taking out a judicial review against Priti Patel’s plans and a possible industrial response.

Mike Jones (Group Secretary)

29 November 2021

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/032/21