National Campaign 2024 - Next Steps


 PCS announce consultative exercise on next steps of the national campaign about pay


 Members meetings set for Tuesday and Wednesday next week (20 & 21 February)


Pay 2023

Last year members voted to agree a pause in our union’s national campaign. We had achieved

significant gains in 2023:

 Guarantee over the terms of the Civil Service Compensation Scheme till the end of this


 £1,500 cost of living payment

 An increase in the remit from 2% to 4.5-5%

This translated into rises in the Home Office of over 10% for admin staff and around £2,000

consolidated rises for all staff members. Most members recognised serious improvements to our

pay ranges in the department. This was all on the back of our campaign and the action that

members had taken during the year.

We know that we did not get everything we set out for – inflation was over 10% for much of the

year, we did not get the underpin of £15 per hour and the cost-of-living payment ended up being pro

rata. However, it is no small part down to the boldness and ambition of our members that we

delivered significant gains that made a material difference to members.

Cabinet Office Talks

As part of the proposed settlement last year there was an offer around talks on pay coherence and

low pay. There are hundreds of different pay rates across the Civil Service meaning an EO in the

Home Office is paid differently to one in HMRC or DWP. We continue to fight to return to national

pay bargaining and the talks have been positive.

However, realistically the talks remain at a strategic high-level stage and are not likely to deliver in

the here and now. Members continue to be battered by price rises and they need real pay rises and

money in their pockets.

Cost-of-Living Crisis Continues

Whilst inflation has decreased since being over 10%, it remains high, and we know that the effect of

inflation is magnified for those on low incomes. And it’s an unfortunate truth that as Civil Servants

many of us can be described as on low incomes. Whilst there will not be a need to increase pay for

our lowest paid in April, our AAs will only be 4 pence an hour over the national minimum wage, truly


All of us continue to be affected by increases in costs and when our pay doesn’t keep pace with

inflation then it is effectively a pay cut. Many members have also raised the potential increase in

their costs around any increases in office attendance from 40% to 60%.

This is not even including the lost wages we have had over years of below inflation pay rises. PCS

research indicates some huge losses over the years from the mid-teens to up to 60%. That’s why a

plank of our demands needs to be around pay restoration and levelling up pay to reflect historic


Demands for 2024

PCS believe that this year it is essential that our pay is inflation proofed. Anything less would be a

real term pay cut. We also must continue the fight for a minimum wage of £15 per hour, protecting

our lowest paid members. But we believe that an element of restoration is also required to right

historic wrongs. Working for the Civil Service used to be a prestige job which was remunerated

accordingly. However, over the years this has been eroded. It’s time to make sure our pay isn’t

falling behind or just keeping pace - but instead is increasing properly.

This year we will again be pushing for consolidated rises that have a serious impact on members

take home pay. Currently we know that Departmental budgets are predicated on a 2% increase in

staff pay. That’s clearly way off where it needs to be. 2% would be a kick in the teeth for members

who are at the forefront of delivering major government projects and plans.

Consultation process

In advance of the publication of this year’s Treasury Remit, PCS will be engaging in a consultative

online exercise. Members will be receiving an email from 20 February asking whether they support

the demands. This is not a statutory ballot and is not legally binding. It allows us to understand the

mood of members and what they are willing to do to support our campaign.

The result will also allow us to put pressure on the Treasury in advance of the publication of the

remit. We will need to demonstrate that members are serious and have had enough. Last year

may have been positive but it will all be lost if we return to below inflation pay rises this year. The

gains we made last year must be built upon.

Get Prepared

We will be holding Group wide members meetings which all members are invited to attend. The

dates, times and links (Teams) are below.

Tuesday 20 February:

 12.30pm-1.30pm Click here to join the meeting

 5.30pm-6.30pm Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 21 February:

 12.30pm-1.30pm Click here to join the meeting

 5.30pm-6.30pm Click here to join the meeting

Members also need to ensure that their details on PCS Digital are up to date. This can be done by

liaising with your local PCS representatives or logging on yourself via link Login ( .

It’s also a real opportunity for us to build our union. Clearly the more members we have the

stronger we are. In just over 12 months we have increased our membership in the Home Office

group by over 5,000. All of us need to make sure colleagues are in our union. Last year we

delivered and took a stand for all of us. Non-members can join us via .

James Cox Pete Wright Mike Jones

Group President Group Vice President Group Secretary


16 February 2024