Euro Update

Meeting with European Casework Management

PCS reps recently met with Euro management as part of our regular engagement and to raise members concerns.

CSCS Age Discrimination: Deadline for Claims

In January 2020, PCS launched legal action against the government over the capping and tapering provisions affecting redundancy payments under the Civil Service Compensation Scheme (CSCS). Members aged over 58 and 9 months or older and who have, or are about to leave, employment with a compensation payment for early severance, voluntary or compulsory redundancy, are potentially eligible to bring a claim. The deadline for submission of cases is Monday 8 November 2021. Click here for more information and how to join the claim.

PCS raised concerns about the upcoming staff loans that are happening across Euro and received assurances that the Nationality, Windrush and Asylum loans would only be temporary. However moves to the Visas Hub would be permanent as had been expected.

Management confirmed that despite EUSS work slowly drawing to an end (albeit nowhere near as slowly as expected), the SRC would remain in place and may in fact expand to introduce helplines for other routes.

PCS were assured that the staff in Euro are very much in demand. There are a number of potential pieces of work heading our way post-EUSS. PCS will await consultation on the nature of that work and and how it will be implemented.

The next meeting is scheduled for 9 November (rescheduled). If members have concerns or issues not covered by this briefing that you would like to be brought up at future meetings please get in touch with Kristian Rowe or Adam Holmes, any other Euro reps or click here to contact us by email.

29 October 2021