European Casework

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch reps meet with European Casework Senior Management

The meeting was held at the end of April. This is a brief update.

Return To Workplaces

A number of issues were discussed including the department’s preliminary plans to have more staff return to the workplace in line with government guidelines from June. At the time of the meeting any formal decision was yet to be made and will be subject to consultation with PCS at national and departmental levels although it was likely to involve an offer in some form of up to 50% hybrid working from home.


Over the next year as EUSS will begin to wind down. A large number of staff move into a different workstream, with the majority set to go between international visit visas and the new rapid response team.


PCS raised the issue of increased workload in the ECBRT team. Management stated that they were aware of the situation and have made a request for additional staff.

The next meeting with Euro management will be published on the branch website shortly. Members can click here to let us know about issues that need to be raised at that meeting.

18 May 21