Asylum Update

Asylum (Liverpool) Update

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch reps met with the head of Asylum Operations (Liverpool) to put forward questions and concerns from members regarding: returning to the office, last-minute interview cover, becoming primarily a UASC hub, reward and recognition and PCS and members not being consulted about upcoming changes.

Short notice interviews

PCS explained to management that members were being pressured into taking up interviews at very short notice with no time to prepare. The department stated that staff absences in workflow has caused an increase in interviews requiring cover and that if staff felt pressured to take on cover they should raise this with team leaders. If still not happy the issue can be escalated to SEOs or the Grade 7.

Management went to day that taking on interviews at short notice could be good experience for newer staff members. PCS raised concerns that while this may be case, if errors are made during interviews taken on at the last minute, then quality-checked this could cause issues for member of staff involved as it would not be taken into account that the interview was undertaken with little or no preparation. PCS that staff preferring to interview could be booked in for more. This could be a an issue for the planning team but it can be looked at.

Return to workplaces

PCS asked whether there were any developments regarding workplace returns. Management stated that nothing is finalised as yet as there is still consultation going on between PCS and HR. However, it is expected that members will need to return to the office for at least fifty percent of the time due to contractual restrictions from June although this has not been confirmed.

Consultation, team moves and UASC hub

PCS raised the point that members felt they should be consulted in advance of changes happening within the unit in particular in relation to recent team moves and the more significant change of us transitioning into a UASC hub to mainly deal with minors cases. On the team moves, management said that they felt it necessary to mix more experienced staff with the new staff but stated that they understood the need to prepare people for change. With regard to the unit becoming a UASC hub, management stated that they only found out three days before staff were informed and that when given time to prepare then staff are consulted but due to ministerial pressures this is not always the case.

PCS would always remind management that best practice in consultation is to discuss issues with the union at the twinkle-in-the-eye stage.

PCS raised concerns about current issues regarding the UASC cases that we already have such as missing witness statements and other documents, applicants not being BRP-enrolled and also members wanting to know when training would be provided on interviewing via MS Teams including how to add interpreters and applicants to the meeting.

Members had also expressed concerns over what would happen if UASC work dried up. Management stated that as a unit we will still be taking in some adult cases which will be nationality-specific. However, they were unable to say which nationality yet. Additionally, adult cases for new staff would need to be to be signed off.

Management were of the view that now we are a UAAC hub the issues regarding missing documents should be rectified as it will have been dealt with by our own admin team and therefore easier to locate. With regard to applicants not being enrolled, the department is aware that this is an issue and in the short term pop-up BRP teams are currently being looked into while management push for the issue to be resolved.

Management had not planned to offer training for staff to use MS Teams to interview, however now it has been raised it will be looked into as an option.

Reward and recognition

PCS told management that members had expressed feelings of being undervalued for their work over the past year. No flexi credit had been awarded over Christmas as has previously been the case in previous years (2 hours) and the removal of the performance bonus was noted*.

Management stated that the performance bonus is not being removed until the coming year so therefore staff getting a 4 star rating would receive it this year. Management also stated that flexi credit was not something that was decided at this level. Management also said that reward and recognition is still being done in the form of nominations and vouchers.

Look out for notice of the next meeting here and either bring issues that need to be raised with management to the attention of local PCS reps in Asylum or click here to let us know.

19 May 21