COVID-19 local update

Latest COVID-19 update for PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch members

As stated in previous articles PCS H&S Merseyside continues to work alongside the employer in trying to deliver a safe working environment for PCS members. PCS met with the Liverpool campus leader on 2 October.

Phased returns to the workplace

The department is using a “Phase” process to prioritise and return staff to the office although most will continue working from home. The Phases are:

Phase 1

Critical Roles

Phase 2

Priority Wellbeing

Phase 3

Enhanced Productivity

Phase 4

Improved Collaboration

Recently the department signed off Phase 3 and 4 to increase workplace attendance. Both nationally and locally PCS expressed concerns and feel it is too soon to move on from Phase 2. Some business areas covered by the branch have halted the move and, given the recent increase in the COVID-19 reinfection rates across the North West, PCS will continue to press the department in the hope that all areas of the Merseyside campus will suspend any moves to Phase 3 and 4 until the reinfection rate drops significantly.

Regardless of which phase we are in, part of making the office “COVID-secure” includes allowing staff to work from home. Currently the maximum office limit is 30% occupancy, although not all areas/teams are deemed suitable to increase attendance to 30%. Occupancy levels across the Merseyside Campus are currently at around 25% of pre- COVID-19 capacity.

What is COVID-secure?

The term “COVID-secure” is a term used by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and other official bodies. PCS is not sure that the term is helpful as it can give a false impression that people can’t contract COVID-19 in a “COVID-secure” environment.

The HSE website provides guidance to employers to help make the workplace “COVID-secure”. If employers follow the guidance and implement the recommended measures that is sufficient for the workplace to be classed as “COVID-secure”. This doesn't mean the risk of contracting COVID-19 is eliminated but if does significantly reduce the risk if the guidance is followed. PCS can confirm that our employer has complied with the HSE guidance and we will continue to work with them with the aim of making the workplace as safe as possible.

It’s imperative that the rules in place are followed by all staff for these measures to be effective. Under the H&S act we all have a duty of care to ourselves and others. Members should feel able to challenge, and are encouraged to approach colleagues who are not adhering to the rules and to report back to the branch any areas where there are concerns.

Confirmed cases

It was agreed with the employer that all confirmed and suspected cases should be publicised to staff. This has been happening over the last week or so for transparency and for staff to be fully aware of the current situation within the workplace. Public Health England have been informed of all reportable cases and are satisfied with the measures in place and actions taken on the individual cases for the workplace to remain open at this time.


All members with concerns over Phases 3 & 4 should raise them in the first instance with their line mangers and discuss whether they physically need to be in the office. The CIRI tool (available via Home Office systems) can be used to facilitate the discussion along with the descriptions of the return phases below. It has been confirmed in some business areas that numbers in phases 3 & 4 may go up or down depending on one-to-one discussions with managers. Members can contact us here if those concerns have not been addressed. For now, the PCS position remains as recently published but things are changing all the time. We will publish another update when we have it.

Return Phases

Phase 1 - Critical Roles

Individuals and teams undertaking roles that can only be undertaken from a workplace environment. This may be due to security or specific systems or paper records access requirements. Seniority will not be a factor in these decisions. It is assumed that this will consume the majority of initial building capacity. Many in such roles will already be working in our sites under temporary social distancing control measures. It will be important wherever possible to ensure that when there are duties that can still be completed from home that, in so far as possible, these duties continue to be carried out from home. Such split working patterns, minimising time in the workplace will enable the maximum use of limited capacity whilst ensuring social distancing and health and safety requirements are met.

Phase 2 Priority Wellbeing

Individuals with physical or mental health conditions, which may be significantly negatively impacted by continuing to work from home, and where no further changes to the duties, home working environment or working pattern will mitigate this negative impact. It is assumed that such individuals will consume any further capacity arising from incremental improvements in control measures/works to buildings. Such individuals could also return alongside Phase 1 in certain locations should capacity allow.

Phase 3 Enhanced Productivity

Roles that can largely be performed from home but where there are some non-critical duties that could not be performed from home or where some duties can be performed more simply or easily if in an office environment. This phase will primarily arise further to major building modifications, establishment of additional estates capacity etc, though it is possible that some spare capacity identified further to Phase 2 may also be used to accommodate such roles.

Phase 4 Improved Collaboration

Teams working on highly collaborative fast paced projects or programmes that would demonstrably benefit from individuals being co-located. This last phase is unlikely to be significantly returned to the office before social distancing measures are materially eased.

[Taken from: COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Guidance and Protocols version 2.0 [22.07.2020] 9].

5 Oct 20