Blinded by the lights!

Lighting brightness on floors 1 and 4 at the Capital Building to be reduced following PCS representations

PCS have received many complaints regarding the brightness of the lights in the recently refurbished 4th Floor and 1st floor of the Capital Building.

Members reported suffering headaches and eye irritation due to the intesity of the lights. Members even reporting some staff wearing sunglasses. 

Our Health and safety lead has been pursuing this issue for a couple of weeks now with the Home Office Campus team and Health and Safety Officer for the department and following a representative of the “Home Office Properties Group” (HOPGs) attending this week to complete a “LUX” test corrective measures are prommissed.


Despite assurances that the bulbs used are industry standard it is clear to anyone using the space that they are too bright and as expected the LUX test confirmed the brightness was too strong and will be reduced this week.

Although this issue should now be resolved please be aware of the following advice.

Report it

Any such incidents where the lights are impacting health and safety, i.e. causing headaches/migraines, exacerbating eye conditions should be reported via AIR (Accident and Reporting),even if its classed as a near miss.

On Home Office systems: Accident and incident reporting (


Additionaly we would recommend completing a DSE via your Line Manager, also, consider if an OHS is appropriate if you have existing eye conditions which may be considered a disability.


As a minimum all members should be provided with a suitable workplace environment. 

5 April 2024