2022 Annual Report

Part 1: Branch President

Branch President Report

Branch President Karen Bolger looks back over the year since the last AGM for the branch annual report.

PCS Home Office Merseyside Branch 2022 Annual General Meeting

This years' AGM will be held online at noon on 8 March. Click here to read the AGM notice and to find out how to join the meeting and submit nominations and motions.


It’s 2022 and the COVID-19 pandemic is still dominating our personal and working lives. While the vaccine rollout has taken place we are now at the point where more restrictions have been lifted and likely will soon be removed altogether. The Branch met regularly for local consultations with senior management throughout the year to discuss any new workplace COVID-19 guidance that was issued and had substantial input to ensure maximum safety for members, including reviewing risk assessments. With the further lifting of restrictions imminent this doesn’t mean the issues we have faced over the last 2 years won’t return or require further implementation of restrictions over the next year. However, what is clear is that the employer needs to continue to act in the best interests of staff safety which your Branch, headed by our health and safety representatives will continue to press for with ongoing involvement on arising issues.

The Branch has been clear that a cautious approach to removing control measures should be adopted and the impact of their removal closely monitored. Our Branch Health & Safety Reps have done a tremendous job over the last 2 years putting members welfare at the forefront of all discussions and will continue to do so over the next year. More comments will be published later in the week as part of the Heath & Safety report.

Personal Cases

Once again it has been a year of challenges when it has come to the personal cases we have handled for members. Our branch website, as ever, has been invaluable in enabling us to respond and arrange the allocation of reps to members as quick as we can. A lot of members have helped enormously by contacting us in good time ahead of meeting dates which has assisted us greatly as trying to arrange representation at short notice puts additional pressures on the Branch.

While most personal case meetings have again taken place online this year a number have been done face to face when necessary. Personal case work represents a lot of the time we spend undertaking our Trade Union duties, and no surprise, sickness absence cases have once again taken the top spot for the majority of cases we have assisted with this year. Our newer reps have gained more experience through the year meaning that we have more reps available at any given time to assist members which is a great position to be in to spread work evenly throughout the branch. More detailed information about our personal cases will be published as part of the Branch Secretary's report.

Branch Executive Committee (BEC)

At this point I’d like to thank the outgoing BEC for all their hard work again this year. We couldn’t do what we do without everyone’s commitment and contributions in wanting to improve things for members. The ranch has worked well as a team helping each other balance their union duties along with their work roles. We are all volunteers and contribute to the workings of the branch. Our newer reps, who have been gaining experience and receiving training have coped well with ever-changing priorities which I hope will continue in the future. The Branch has also attracted more union Advocates this year which shows members interest in wanting to get more involved. Hopefully this year, our advocates will be given a chance to assist the Branch in the upcoming pay campaign. If anyone is interested in becoming an advocate or a rep or wants to get more involved but not sure what it entails, please contact the branch inbox for a chat.

Karen Bolger (Branch President)

8 February 21