Home Office HR Transformation Project

Phase 1 consultation re-opened

As reported in HO/MB/013/20 members will be aware that the Home Office paused consultation on Phase 1 of its HR Transformation Project.

Messages from your branch

The branch has switched to issuing our weekly mailshots to a mix of work and personal email addresses for the duration of the lockdown. We have hundreds of branch members email addresses but many of you will miss out unless you send us your up to date personal address. Click here to let us have it now.

PCS has now been notified that Home Office has re-opened the consultation and members will have received the refreshed proposals, job descriptions, selection process and other supporting documents.

Group officials are due to meet with the HR Team in the near future and therefore members are encouraged to speak to their branch reps regarding any questions or concerns they have or feed any issues direct to me in order to inform future discussions.

Joe Hartley (Assistant Group Secretary)

11 Jun 20

Also available as a PDF: HO/MB/032/20