Want to help out your colleagues...and yourself?

Interested in becoming a PCS representative? Here's how........

There are many ways in which you can volunteer to help your colleagues. In this members' update we give you information about 3 local opportunities to get involved, to have your say and to help yourself and your workmates.

PCS Free Will Service

As a member of PCS you and your partner are entitled to a free Will. Click here to take advantage of the service.

PCS rep

Being a rep is a rewarding role. It ensures that there is an effective union branch and representation for members as well as running both local and national campaigns.

Reps are the backbone of PCS. They are volunteers who make sure that we have a union structure and voice in every workplace across the country. Reps can receive time off for training and union duties.

The branch rep is usually the main contact point for members in the workplace. PCS members look to their reps for advice and representation.

PCS provides training and support so you can confidently inform members about their rights at work and make sure that your co-workers have a strong voice when speaking to management about the issues that affect them and you.

Branch reps support the branch officers in negotiations with the employer; run induction events for potential new members; represent members directly and attend Branch Executive Committee meetings.

Normally you would stand for election at the AGM but we currently have 2 vacancies. Interested? Email us here with your reasons (max. 200 words) for wanting become a rep and details of any previous experience or training you have had (not essential).

As some reps have stood down we would like particularly (but not solely) volunteers from FNORC and and Nationality.

PCS H&S rep

Employers are required to consult their employees through their union reps when making decisions that can affect health and safety at work. Independent research shows that the presence and use of safety representatives can cut accident rates by up to 50%.

PCS invests in ensuring that we have a network of safety reps who have access to training, guidance and support.

You can make a real difference in your workplace by keeping health & safety in the minds of our employer and our colleagues. Why not do your bit and become a PCS health & safety representative?

It won't take up much of your time. We will ensure you get training which, if you decide it's for you, can lead on to more advanced courses.

The role of PCS health & safety rep includes:

  • Representing employees in discussions with the employer on health and safety issues and in discussions with HSE or other enforcing authorities

  • Investigating hazards, dangerous occurrences & complaints

  • Carrying out inspections of the workplace, relevant documents and attend safety committees

To express an interest just send us an email and let us know if you have had any previous health & safety training or experience (but don't worry if you haven't). We look forward to hearing from you.

PCS Advocate

PCS advocates are members who actively support the union and want to get involved. It's the next step along for members interested in union activity but who don't hold any formal role or position.

As a PCS union advocate you will:

  • be sent regular updates from the national union about your role

  • be offered short training sessions and support from PCS

  • occasionally be asked to help out with national and local campaigns and initiatives.

Some of the activities you may do as a union advocate are:

  • encouraging your work colleagues to come to union meetings

  • making sure colleagues have the latest information from PCS

  • encouraging non-members to join the union.

Want to know more? Watch our advocates video here.

You can register as a union advocate, or get more information by contacting your local branch representatives and letting us know that you would like to be registered as a PCS advocate

18 March 2022