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15. ^ a b Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Akhmanov, G.G., Aloisi, G., Planke, S., Malthe-Sorenssen, A., Istadi, B. (2007). "Triggering and dynamic evolution of the LUSI mud volcano, Indonesia". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (3-4): 375–388.

16. ^ a b Mazzini, A., Nermoen, A., Krotkiewski, M., Podladchikov, Y., Planke, S., Svensen, H. (2009). "Strike-slip faulting as a trigger mechanism for overpressure release through piercement structures. Implications for the LUSI mud volcano, Indonesia.". Marine and Petroleum Geology 26(8): 1751–1765.

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33. ^ Istadi, B., Pramono, G.H., Sumintadireja, P., Alam, S. (2009). "Simulation on growth and potential Geohazard of East Java Mud Volcano, Indonesia". Marine & Petroleum Geology, Mud volcano special issue 26: 1724–1739.

34. ^ "Tiga Pekerja Terbakar, Warga Tutup Raya Porong". Jawa Pos. May 25, 2008. pp. 16.

36. ^ Morgan, James (1 November 2008). "Mud eruption 'caused by drilling'" (web). News Article. BBC News. Retrieved 11-1-2008.

39. ^ Madrigal, Alexis (2010-02-10). "Mud Volcano Was Man-Made, New Evidence Confirms". Wired Science. Retrieved 2010-02-12.

40. ^ Sawolo, N., Sutriono, E., Istadi, B., Darmoyo, A.B. (2010). "Was LUSI caused by drilling? – Authors reply to discussion". Marine & Petroleum Geology 27: 1658–1675.

41. ^ Tingay, M.R.P. (2010). Anatomy of the ‘Lusi’ Mud Eruption, East Java.

External links

Coordinates: 7°31′40″S 112°42′42″E / 7.52778°S 112.71167°E / -7.52778; 112.71167 (Sidoarjo mud flow)

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Categories: Mud volcanoes | Volcanoes of Indonesia | Disasters in Indonesia | 2006 disasters | Drilling technology

    • This page was last modified on 12 March 2011 at 00:52.

Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia: Mud Volcano, 12 February 2011

1. ^ "Mars domes may be 'mud volcanoes'". BBC. March 26, 2009. Retrieved 2009-03-27.


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6. ^ Davies, R.J., Brumm, M., Manga, M., Rubiandini, R., Swarbrick, R., Tingay, M. (2008). "The East Java mud volcano (2006 to present): an earthquake or drilling trigger?". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (3-4): 627–638.

7. ^ Sawolo, N., Sutriono, E., Istadi, B., Darmoyo, A.B. (2009). "The LUSI mud volcano triggering controversy: was it caused by drilling?". Marine & Petroleum Geology 26: 1766–1784.

8. ^ Sawolo, N., Sutriono, E., Istadi, B., Darmoyo, A.B. (2010). "Was LUSI caused by drilling? – Authors reply to discussion". Marine & Petroleum Geology 27: 1658–1675.

9. ^ Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Akhmanov, G.G., Aloisi, G., Planke, S., Malthe-Sorenssen, A., Istadi, B. (2007). "Triggering and dynamic evolution of the LUSI mud volcano, Indonesia". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (3-4): 375–388.

10. ^ Mazzini, A., Nermoen, A., Krotkiewski, M., Podladchikov, Y., Planke, S., Svensen, H. (2009). "Strike-slip faulting as a trigger mechanism for overpressure release through piercement structures. Implications for the LUSI mud volcano, Indonesia.". Marine and Petroleum Geology 26(8): 1751–1765.

11. ^ Istadi, B., Pramono, G.H., Sumintadireja, P., Alam, S. (2009). "Simulation on growth and potential Geohazard of East Java Mud Volcano, Indonesia". Marine & Petroleum Geology, Mud volcano special issue 26: 1724–1739.

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· Origin of mud volcanoes

· Cold water mud volcanoes created by artesian pressure in Minnesota's Nemadji River basin

· Bulletin Of Mud Volcanology Azerbaijan Academy Of Sciences (in English)

· Gaia's Breath—Methane and the Future of Natural Gas - USGS, June 2003

· Azeri mud volcano flares - October 29, 2001, BBC report

· Redondo Beach mud volcano with methane hydrate deposits

· Hydrocarbons Associated with Fluid Venting Process in Monterey Bay, California

· Hydrothermal Activity and Carbon-Dioxide Discharge at Shrub and Upper Klawasi Mud Volcanoes, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska - U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4207

· Mud Volcano Eruption at Baratang, Middle Andamans

· Article on mud volcanoes from Azerbaijan International

· Mud volcano floods Java, August 2006

· Mud volcano work suspended, 25 Feb 2007, Al Jazeera English

· Possible mud volcano on Mars (BBC News)

· Of Mud Pots and the End of the San Andreas Fault (Seismo Blog)

Retrieved from ""

· This page was last modified on 27 February 2011 at 02:26.

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Beutler G, Bock H, Brockmann E, Dach R, Fridez P, Gurtner W, Hugentobler U, Ineichen D, Johnson J, Meindl M, Mervant L, Rothacher M, Schaer S, Springer T, Weber R (2001) Bernese GPS software version 4.2. In: Hugentobler U, Schaer S, Fridez P (eds), Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, 515 pp

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Davies RJ, Swarbrick RE, Evans RJ, Huuse M (2007) Birth of a mud volcano: East Java, 29 May 2006. GSA Today, 17(2)

Evans R, Davies RJ, Stewart SA (2007) Internal structure and eruptive history of a kilometre scale mud volcano system, South Caspian Sea. Basin Res 19:153–163

Evans RJ, Stewart SA, Davies RJ (2008) The structure and formation of mud volcano summit calderas. J Geol Soc Lond 165:1–12

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Mazzini, A., 2009. Mud volcanism: Processes and implications. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26(9): 1677-1680. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Nermoen, A., Krotkiewski, M., Podladchikov, Y., Planke, S. and Svensen, H., 2009a. Strike-slip faulting as a trigger mechanism for overpressure release through piercement structures. Implications for the Lusi mud volcano, Indonesia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26(9): 1751-1765. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Guliyev, I., Akhmanov, G.G., Fallik, T. and Banks, D., 2009b. When mud volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26(9): 1704-1715. DOWNLOAD

Skinner Jr, J.A. and Mazzini, A., 2009. Martian mud volcanism: Terrestrial analogs and implications for formational scenarios. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26(9): 1866-1878. DOWNLOAD

Svensen, H., Hammer, Ø., Mazzini, A., Onderdonk, N., Polteau, S., Planke, S. and Podladchikov, Y.Y., 2009. Dynamics of hydrothermal seeps from the Salton Sea geothermal system (California, USA) constrained by temperature monitoring and time series analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), 114, B09201, doi:10.1029/2008JB006247. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Ivanov, M.K., Nermoen, A., Bahr, A., Borhmann, G., Svensen, H. and Planke, S., 2008. Complex plumbing systems in the near subsurface: geometries of authigenic carbonates from Dolgovskoy Mound (Black Sea) constrained by analogue experiments. Marine & Petroleum Geology 25(6): 457-472. DOWNLOAD

Bahr, A., Pape, T., Bohrmann, G., Mazzini, A., Haeckel, M., Reitz, A. and Ivanov, M., 2008. Authigenic carbonate precipitates from the NE Black Sea: a mineralogical, geochemical and lipid biomarker study. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 677-695. (DOI. 10.1007/s00531-007-0264-1) DOWNLOAD

Cronin, B., Çelik, H., Hurst, A., Gul, M., Gürbüz, K., Mazzini, A. and Overstolz, M., 2008. Slope-channel Complex Fill and Overbank Architecture, Tinker Channel, Kirkgecit Formation, Turkey. In: T.H. Nilsen, R.D. Shew, G.S. Steffens and J.R.J. Studlick (Editors), Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops. AAPG Studies in Geology 56, pp. 363-367.

Polteau, S., Mazzini, A., Galland, O., Planke, S. and Malthe-Sorenssen, A., 2008. Saucer-shaped intrusions: Occurrences, emplacement and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 266(1-2): 195-204. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Akhmanov, G.G., Aloisi, G., Planke, S., Malthe-Sorenssen, A. and Istadi, B., 2007. Triggering and dynamic evolution of the LUSI mud volcano, Indonesia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 261(3-4): 375-388. DOWNLOAD

Ivanov, M., Blinova, V., Kozlova, E., Westbrook, G., Mazzini, A., Minshull, T. and Nouzé, H., 2007. First sampling of gas hydrate from the Vøring Plateau. EOS, 88(19): 209-210. DOWNLOAD

H. Svensen, G. Gisler, S. Polteau, A. Mazzini, and S. Planke, 2007, Hydrothermal Vent complexes and the search of extra-terrestrial water. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII (2007) 2268.pdf

Mazzini, A., Svensen, H., Hovland, M., and Planke, S., 2006. Comparison and implications from strikingly different authigenic carbonates in a Nyegga complex pockmark, G11, Norwegian Sea. Marine Geology 231: 89-102. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Aloisi, G., Akhmanov, G.G., Parnell, J., Cronin, B. and Murphy, P., 2005. Integrated petrographic and geochemical record of hydrocarbon seepage on the Vøring Plateau. Geological Society, 162: 815-827. DOWNLOAD (This material has been published in Journal of the Geological Society, vol 163, 2006, 671-682., the only definitive repository of the content that has been certified and accepted after peer review. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by The Geological Society of London.The Geological Society's on-line journals at:

Duranti, D. and Mazzini, A., 2005. Large-scale hydrocarbon-driven sand injection in the Paleogene of the North Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 239(3-4): 327-335. DOWNLOAD

Jonk, R., Hurst, A., Duranti, D., Parnell, J., Mazzini, A. and Fallick, A.E., 2005. Origin and timing of sand injection, petroleum migration, and diagenesis in Tertiary reservoirs, south Viking Graben, North Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 89(3): 329-357. DOWNLOAD

Cronin, B.T., Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Mazzini, A., Akhmanov, G., Ivanov, M. and Kenyon, N.H., 2005. Morphology, evolution and fill: Implications for sand and mud distribution in filling deep-water canyons and slope channel complexes. Sedimentary Geology, 179(1-2): 71-97. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Ivanov, M.K., Parnell, J., Stadnitskaya, A., Cronin, B., Poludetkina, E., Mazurenko, L., and van Weering T.C.E., 2004. Methane-related authigenic carbonates from the Black Sea: geochemical characterization and relation to seeping fluids. Marine Geology, 212 (1-4), 153-181. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Duranti, D., Jonk, R., Parnell, J., Cronin, B.T., Hurst, A. and Quine, M., 2003. Palaeo-carbonate seep structures above an oil reservoir, Gryphon Field, Tertiary, North Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 23 (3-4): 323-339. DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Jonk, R., Duranti, D., Parnell, J., Cronin, B.T. and Hurst, A., 2003. Fluid escape from reservoirs: implications from cold seeps, fractures and injected sands. Part I: the fluid flow system. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78: 293-296. DOWNLOAD

Jonk, R., Mazzini, A., Duranti, D., Parnell, J., Cronin, B.T. and Hurst, A., 2003. Fluid escape from reservoirs: implications from cold seeps, fractures and injected sands. Part II: the fluids involved. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78: 297-300.DOWNLOAD

Mazzini, A., Li, R. and Parnell, J., 2002. Spectroscopic methods for analysing organic compounds in fluid inclusions during planetary exploration. Lunar and planetary science, XXXIII: 1645.pdf. DOWNLOAD

Parnell, J., Mazzini, A. and Honghan, C., 2002. Fluid inclusion studies of chemosynthetic carbonates: strategy for seeking life on Mars. Astrobiology, 2 (1): 43-57. DOWNLOAD

Editor of

Mazzini, A., (Editor), 2009. Mud volcanism: Processes and implications. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26(9). (DOWNLOAD)

Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Kenyon, N.H., Ivanov, M.K., Westbrook, G. and Mazzini, A. (Editors), 2008. Deep-water depositional systems and cold seeps of the Western Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Norwegian continental margins. IOC Technical Series No. 76, UNESCO, 91 pp. DOWNLOAD

Akhmetjanov, A.M., Ivanov, M.K., Kenyon, N. and Mazzini, A. (Editors), 2007. Deep-water cold seeps, sedimentary environments and echosystems of the Black and Tyrrhenian Seas and the Gulf of Cadiz. IOC Technical Series No. 72, UNESCO, (English), 140 pp. DOWNLOAD

Kenyon, N.H., Ivanov, M.K., Akhmetzhanov, A.M., Kozlova, E. and Mazzini, A. (Editors), 2004. Interdisciplinary studies of North Atlantic and Labrador Sea Margin Architecture and Sedimentary Processes. IOC-Technical Series No. 68, UNESCO, (English), 92 pp. DOWNLOAD


Abidin 2008


Beutler G, Bock H, Brockmann E, Dach R, Fridez P, Gurtner W, Hugentobler U, Ineichen D, Johnson J, Meindl M, Mervant L, Rothacher M, Schaer S, Springer T, Weber R (2001) Bernese GPS software version 4.2. In: Hugentobler U, Schaer S, Fridez P (eds), Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, 515 pp

Davies RJ, Stewart SA (2005) Emplacement of giant mud volcanoes in the South Caspian Basin: three-dimensional seismic reflection imaging of root zones. J Geol Soc 162:1–4

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Evans R, Davies RJ, Stewart SA (2007) Internal structure and eruptive history of a kilometre scale mud volcano system, South Caspian Sea. Basin Res 19:153–163

Evans RJ, Stewart SA, Davies RJ (2008) The structure and formation of mud volcano summit calderas. J Geol Soc Lond 165:1–12

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