Closedverse Rehosts


Main Article: Anarchyverse


Screenshot of Speedverse from March of 2018.

The "Speedverse" logo created from inklingbot's "openverse" command.

Speedverse was a rehost of Closedverse made by the user Dogame, themed around speedrunning. Dogame posted a screenshot of Speedverse in development on the Closedverse Discord server on March 10, 2018. However, they first mentioned the name of the site on March 2, while using inklingbot's "openverse" command to generate a logo.

On May 3, 2018, Dogame posted on the Closedverse Discord server that Speedverse was "done", implying that it had finished development by then. Its current status is unknown, but it is likely that the rehost was either shut down if it had been released, or scrapped.

Closedverse 2

Screenshot of Closedverse 2.

Closedverse 2 was a Closedverse rehost made by Arian in May of 2018, hosted under Nearly every community had "2" at the end of its name, with the exception being the NSFW Community, which was known as "porn (WARNING CONTAINS PORN)". It has since shut down.


Chaosverse was a Closedverse rehost that was created by Toast, according to the Clonedex. The url for the site was Only admins could access it. It has since shut down.


Cloneverse was a cancelled Closedverse rehost made by Ben, hosted locally under the link localhost:3030.


Loveverse was a Closedverse rehost made by Bakayun, under the domain It has since shut down.


Screenshot of Coal.

Coal was a Closedverse rehost owned by Adrian, under the domain It was a test server for Closedverse that was discovered by Adrian and claimed as his own once he managed to get database access. It has since shut down.


Fggotverse was a Closedverse rehost made by Ashley that had no communities or users. It was hosted locally under the link localhost:3030.

Screenshot of the website. was a Closedverse rehost made by Luke64 in PHP. It has since shut down.

Screenshot of was a Closedverse rehost created by Luna (then known as Robby). It has since shut down.

Screenshot of was a Closedverse rehost created by Luna in November of 2019.

History was published on November 15, 2019, and some users signed up for the site. Later, sign-ups for the site were closed to prevent spam, and it would remain that way for several days.

Sign-ups for were opened a few days later, and a handful of users decided to join. Some users, most notably Beholder (who posted pro-Nazi imagery), started spamming on the site.

Some time after sign-ups were enabled and users started spamming, one of the site's admins, Ashley, decided to reset, causing every post on the site to get deleted. Ashley supposedly did this to keep the far-right users like Beholder from spamming on the site. While it did work for a while, those users would nevertheless return.

Multiple accounts being signed into by Ashley.

On November 25, 2019, shut down, and the passwords for every user on the site became publicly available. Ashley signed in to some of the users' Twitter accounts which used the same passwords from, and tweeted on those accounts that they were "hacked by ashley gang". Other people did the same, tweeting different messages on the accounts. Ashley later apologized for the tweets she made, and told users to change their passwords.

Screenshot of was a Closedverse rehost created by Luna and SMF9. It has since shut down.

Screenshot of was a Closedverse rehost made by Username with the help of Arian on May 31, 2020, and moderated by SMF9, who had the developer badge. Additional moderators of the site included Cosmo and Sosig.

On the day it was released, several users signed up for the site. SMF9 deleted a handful of posts from the Anything Goes Community, and also deleted several users. He then disabled sign-ups.

The next day, the site's sign-ups were re-enabled, and some users began joining. At around 1:00 PM PST, Arian made the site's URL redirect to an osu! page. The site was shut down entirely shortly after.

Main Article:

On August 24, 2020, SMF9 created a Closedverse rehost under the link for people to use while his clone Nextverse was in development. It was shut down the next day.


Clovbdvrsss's logo.

Clovbdvrsss was a Closedverse rehost created by SMF9 and moderated by Sosig on September 20, 2020, and publicly released on September 24, 2020 under Unlike SMF9's previous Closedverse rehosts, the communities were recolored to various different gradients. 

On October 2, signups were disabled after a perceived raid from members of Pipcord (whose accounts were deleted afterwards) according to SMF9. Pip posted his perspective on the situation on Project Akuhao, stating that the link was posted by Jokko on the server, though the link got deleted since posting links to Miiverse clones was against the server's rules. He claimed that there was no raid, and that he did not want to raid the site and give it attention.

On November 1, Clovbdvrsss had all of its communities and users deleted, with a community named "Goodbye Clovbdvrsss!" being made. SMF9 made a post stating that the site would be deleted, believing that the clone userbase would be happy that there would be no clones. However, he also stated that he would be working on another clone. Clovbdvrsss was recovered to its original state on November 3, though it was later shut down on the same day. was brought back up on April 6, 2021, though it was shut down the next day.

Screenshot of is a website that mirrored the contents of the webpage.

The site is a subdomain of, the prefix for PF2M's Heliohost account. itself is a blank page stating "something was going to go here but i guess not anymore".

Main Article: Indigo - Rehosts - - Change to Closedverse

Main Article: Oasis - - Closedverse Rehost

Screenshot of was a Closedverse rehost made by the user Rix. On May 19, 2021, it was initially hosted under the temporary link On May 20, it was hosted under the link On May 21, it was hosted under On May 22, the rehost was hosted under its current link.

On May 24, 2021, sign-ups were disabled for the site. Currently, users can message Rix on Discord to sign up for the site if they are deemed worthy.

On May 27, the rehost underwent a maintenance, and was brought back at around 1:46 PM PST.

On June 2, 2021, Rix temporarily closed the rehost to take a break. The site was re-opened on June 4, due to CloneMii temporarily shutting down that day.


The message displayed on

Blueverse's original logo.

Screenshot of Blueverse.

On July 26, 2021, displayed a message that the site was defunct, and linked to a new clone known as Blueverse under Rix does not consider Blueverse a simple rehost of Closedverse, but rather an individual clone that uses Closedverse code. Accounts from the previous Closedverse rehost were carried over to Blueverse.

As of November 2021, Blueverse has shut down. On January 11, 2022, Rix posted information on why Blueverse shut down under On the website, Rix stated that Blueverse's hosting provider, PythonAnywhere, has a countdown before shutting a website down unless the site owner presses a button to extend the website's duration. Rix could not access this button due to losing the website's password, leading to Blueverse shutting down. Rix does not have any database files of Blueverse.

As of February 2022, this website was replaced with a snapshot of Blueverse.

Blueverse's latest logo.

Screenshot of the private Blueverse rehost.

On March 1, 2022, Rixy created a private rehost of Blueverse under a URL shared by a small group of people.


On March 2, 2022, the day after creating a private rehost of Blueverse, Rix created a public Closedverse rehost named "eripuvezugvuzerhferipuvezugvuzerhferipuvezugvuzerhferipuvezugvuzerhferipuvezugvuzerhf", or "eripuvezugvuzerhf" for short, under

Screenshot of eripuvezugvuzerhf.

Screenshot of from July 27, 2021. Note the striped background and the word "DMs" being displayed rather than "Messages". was a Closedverse rehost created by a user known as PF4M on July 27, 2021. That day, PF4M created a Twitter account (@_PF2M_) and mentioned the accounts of multiple former clone users while linking the site. Some of these users would reply to the tweet with disdain for the clone. It was eventually revealed that "PF4M" was actually SMF9.'s logo since November 2021.

On August 26, 2021, Sosig, as an admin for the rehost, deleted and changed most of the communities. A week later on September 2, shut down. It was then brought back up, and had been functional since at least November 26, 2021. shut down once again in January of 2022.


A rehost of Blueverse was made by GhostyBlox on July 28, 2022 under It is officially meant to be titled "Geoverse", but was initially known as "Blueverse 2.0" on the website. The logo was eventually changed to match the name.

Geoverse's logo.


On August 9, 2022, GhostyBlox announced that Geoverse would shut down on August 26, 2022. Ownership of the site was given to Seedur and Komfudo, the former of which turned off all security features on the site. Most of the rules were removed, and the source code was planned to be released following the site's closure. The database would be wiped, and no copies would be made.

Screenshot of "Minionsverse".

The day the site's closure was announced, Seedur heavily changed the CSS code of the site, with Komfudo making some edits to the site's HTML code. This resulted in most of the site elements becoming either yellow or purple, the background becoming a repeating picture of a minion, and the font being changed to Impact. The site was then renamed to "Minionsverse", with an updated logo. On August 10, an announcement was put on the site that it would be shutting down on midnight that day. It was since shut down.

On November 13, 2022, a rehost of Minionsverse was made by Rixy, using Blueverse as a base. The rehost was hosted under, and had two communities. It has since been shut down.

Screenshot of Rixy's Minionsverse rehost.

Screenshot of was a Closedverse rehost created by Braden. It was released on May 6, 2023, initially without the ability to post images or drawings. There wouldn't be much uptime for the site since  Braden was running the server locally on a school Chromebook that would constantly turn off after a period of time. Braden has since shut down the site indefinitely.

Screenshots of was a Closedverse rehost created by Term, released on June 26, 2023. It started under the domain, but was then moved to after the original domain "randomly expired", before moving to it current domain. Term stated that the history of its development included "nginx fuckups, closedverse-le, [and] other shit". The site includes several unique badges for different users.'s link was "leaked" by an individual known as "Liam" on the r/Miiverse subreddit, though the link to the site was public at the time.

On August 22, 2023, Term's Oracle server stopped working, causing the site to go down. On the redirect page, Term stated that he was still trying to get access to a server and that the shutdown should be considered temporary. However, the redirect page would later display the message, "Just fucking kidding I don't even care about miiverse clones anymore Don't Ask Me To Bring It Up Because I Won't. There's No Point For It.", making the shutdown of permanent.

Main article: Indigo - Rehosts -

Screenshot of was a rehost of Closedverse made by Aymo and released on October 3, 2023. It has since been shut down.

Screenshot of was a rehost of Closedverse made by the Minihoot, released on November 11, 2023. The rehost was moved to on December 1, 2023, and was given a red color scheme. On December 11, Minihoot made an announcement on the site that he would be leaving the Miiverse clone scene due to boredom and lack of clones with new sources that aren't rehosts of existing clones. However, he stated that the rehost would not be shutting down. As of 2024, the rehost is unavailable.


Closedverse-Go is a Golang version of Closedverse made by Aymo using Indigo source code. Aymo posted the GitHub link to Cedar-Django on September 25, 2023. On February 29, 2024, the user Braden posted a screenshot of Closedverse-Go that he locally hosted.

Screenshot of Closedverse-Go as hosted by Braden. (rehost by gray)

Screenshot of gray's

After being used for a Closedverse rehost in November of 2019, would again be used for a Closedverse rehost by the user gray in January of 2024. The site was shut down on February 4, 2024 due to the user Rixy hacking gray's server.

Screenshot of the page when the site was shut down in February of 2024.

Screenshot of Miiverse '98.

In March of 2024, was used to host a website known as "Miiverse '98", that appeared to be styled around old internet forums. The site has a textbox that allows users to "share their thoughts" to the site, but entering the text and pressing the submit button doesn't appear to do anything. The other pages listed on the side of the side do not exist and simply lead to a "Not Found" page.


Rubyverse's logo. For the transparent version, click here.

Screenshot of Rubyverse.

Rubyverse is a rehost of Closedverse created by the user PokeyManatee4 (otherwise known as Rubies) on February 7, 2024, under It uses a red color scheme for elements such as border colors and URLs, rather than Closedverse's blue color scheme.

On March 1, PokeyManatee4 disabled sign-ups for the site. They were re-enabled on March 4.

As of June 4, 2024, PokeyManatee4 plans to move Rubyverse to This has yet to be realized.

Rubyverse's red color scheme.

Screenshot of was a rehost of Closedverse made by the user Braden on February 23, 2024. It has since shut down.

Screenshot of from March 29, 2024., or simply Closedworse, is a rehost of Closedverse made by the user Komfudo on March 28, 2024. This specific instance of Closedverse has video support for videos up to 50MB, and allows users to create their own communities.

The rehost was shut down on March 30, 2024, and the link led to a blank page with the message:

"The clone has been shutdown. the reason is it was just a flop what i did expected. Originally closedworse was be to motivate something but sadly it just makes it opposite for my mental health. I mean it's the 283774u473737272772734774u closedverse rehost so it makes sense thag people wont give a shit on it. To be honest idk what I should. What should my next project? I seriously don't know. again what i want to say is closedworse was shit.

- komfudo" was a rehost of Closedverse made by Term, released on March 30, 2024. It was moved to later that day. As of 11 PM PST that day, the site experienced a bad gateway error and became unavailable.


Screenshot of fyaverse.

fyaverse was Spanish-language rehost of Closedverse made by David J. on April 4, 2024, under It is similarly named to the Galaxy Plaza rehost Fya Verse that was also made by David J. and meant to be a Spanish-only Miiverse clone. This version of Closedverse includes various changes to Closedverse's CSS and JavaScript code, and also includes the option to use Mii Studio Miis. The rehost would experience a bad gateway error in late April, and become unavailable.