
JoshM's former and current Mii.

JoshM. (stylized JoshM(his age).) is a former Miiverse clone user.

User Statistics

Usernames: JoshuaTM5997 (Miiverse, Indigo)

JoshTMorrow (Closedverse, second Oasis acccount)

JoshuaTM0509 (initial Oasis account)

User IDs: #817 (Closedverse, joined 2017-09-20 at 12:57 AM)

#493 (Indigo, joined 2018-10-28 at 1:44 AM)

#760 (Oasis, JoshuaTM0509, joined 2018-09-04 at 6:59 AM)

#762 (Oasis, JoshTMorrow, joined 2018-09-04 at 10:06 AM)


On Miiverse, JoshM.'s posts were known for having a message on the top which stated what device he posted on. He also has a YouTube channel named "Video Lover" which he occasionally posts on.

One of the many screenshots JoshM. has made regarding technical problems on clones.

One of JoshM.'s long rant posts.

JoshM. joined Closedverse on September 20, 2017. JoshM. is autistic, and was known for his long, drawn-out posts on Miiverse clones, often for trivial issues. He lives in Arizona, and when he mentions the time in his posts, he would frequently put "Arizona Time (My Time)" after it. He also had accounts on most other clones as well, such as Cedar. On these clones, JoshM. would frequently make long posts about technical problems he had on the sites, such as not being able to post. JoshM. garnered some friends on the site, and would frequently post on the Activity Feed about questionable subjects such as kids' shows and the Koopalings from Mario. While some people questioned his behavior, JoshM. didn't see a large amount of ridicule.

What the Cabbage!

The infamous fake post of JoshM. detailing his "number two".

Sometime in 2018, a fake screenshot of JoshM. explaining that he pooped his pants started to circulate. This caused a lot of people to make memes and ridicule JoshM. about this behavior. JoshM. denied making the post.

The "Pee Your Pants" Post

The post that JoshM. replied to.

JoshM.’s reply to the post, which became a copypasta.

On January 20, 2019, clone user Broice posted a meme depicting a picture of Shadow the Hedgehog on a building with the message "PEE YOUR PANTS" on it. JoshM. made a reply saying that the message was not a nice thing to say. This resulted in a 200+ thread of people making fun of JoshM.'s reply, telling him that the post was a joke.

Dropout with Friends

Sometime in late 2018, JoshM. would get into discourse with his friends on Indigo due to him being rude and blocking many people. He got into long argument threads with his friends who were criticizing his behavior, though some of his friends (such as Barthouse12) were defending him. At the end of the discourse, many of JoshM.'s friends left him. JoshM. would detail his depression on his Indigo profile, stating that he felt like a bad person and thought that most users saw him as an autistic laughing stock. During this time period, many Indigo users voiced awareness of JoshM.'s situation and told the userbase to give him respect.


Currently, JoshM. is active on Discord, and occasionally uploads videos to his YouTube channel.

JoshM. was at one point a frequent user of Barthouse12's Discord servers, which he was typically an admin on. He also made a document explaining and apologizing for things he did on other Discord servers.

JoshM. is known be on bad terms with the user Kirbytone. Kirbytone once called JoshM. a "dirty, slutty motherf---er" for "dirty roleplaying habits" on his server. This lead to JoshM. denying those claims, and saying that Kirbytone is the one who is the "dirty, slutty motherf---er". The phrase became a joke among the users of Barthouse12's Discord servers.

JoshM's unique writing style on servers such as the Barthouse12 Discord server has lead to some phrases becoming inside jokes among the users of the server.  Some of these include: