
"Cedar is a re-creation of Nintendo's well-known social network, Miiverse. It allows you to interact with fellow Nintendo fans, give Yeahs to posts, and share screenshots of your favorite games."

Cedar's logo.

Cedar was a Miiverse clone co-founded by Miiverse hackers Seth (otherwise known as EnergeticBark) and Charlotte (then known as Eric or Jod). It looked similar to the the desktop version of Miiverse, with even the sign in/sign up page mimicking the Nintendo Network sign in page. Seth was in charge of programming Cedar, while Charlotte conceptualized Cedar (her direct contributions to Cedar are unclear, so the level of involvement she had was debated among users). There have been at least 15 different versions of Cedar made both before and after Cedar's public release. Cedar was in a finished state before Closedverse was released, but was made public after its release. Cedar was written in PHP, and its source code has been inspiration for other clones such as Exverse (a modified version of Cedar). The tree in Cedar's logo comes from a "JavaScript library for crafting visualizations".


The Different Cedars

The "first" rendition of Cedar, before the "Cedar" name was officially used, was created by Charlotte under portal-mm1.mm2wood.ml, though minimal information exists about this version. The next two renditions of Cedar were energeticbrk.000webhostapp.com and wOLV (cedar.ml). energeticbrk.000webhostapp.com was created by Seth with the help of Arian, taking inspiration from Grape. wOLV was created by Eric, but had no PHP and was just a static website. The two sites were merged, and "Cedar" became the name of energeticbrk.000webhostapp.com. The server was then moved to suckmyass.000webhostapp.com, a Cedar beta which was shut down due to its issues. Cedar was moved once again to cedar.moe after Seth tried searching for a domain.

There have been many different renditions of Cedar made by Arian, Seth, or Charlotte, such as cedar-not-actually-official-cedar-only-for-dev.ariankordi.net, which was a barely functioning rendition of Cedar's beta hosted on Arian's site. A list of Cedars from February 28, 2018 can be found here.

Public Release

The version of Cedar that became known to the public and would subsequently become the biggest version of the site was released in September of 2017 under cedarphp.x10host.com, after the contents of cedar.moe were moved to this domain. Its exact release date is unknown, but the earliest evidence of this version of Cedar's existence date back to September 17, 2017. Cedar would be moved to the domain cedar.doctor sometime between November 16 and November 19, 2017. Cedar became open source on November 20, 2017 after Seth posted the source code to GitHub.

Because Cedar was publicized during the time when Closedverse was new and beginning to gain prominence, and initially had comparatively less features, it was rarely used in a large scale by the userbase unless Closedverse was experiencing a shutdown. Due to this inactivity, there was a recurring joke by some users on Closedverse, who would spam the phrase "use Cedar". Some users would argue that Cedar was just as good, if not better than Closedverse, and make fun of the userbase for not using it over Closedverse. A few users used Cedar more often than Closedverse at the time, namely users who were banned from Closedverse such as Dominic or Max.  Due to its initially limited moderation, Cedar was prone to having porn spam, with two notable spam accounts being Porn Seth (run by Edgy Robin) and King Dice (run by Franky). On November 7, 2017, due to a bug with the admin panel, Cedar's userbase was reset, with every account that did not include a number in their username being deleted.

Cedar saw new features get added throughout 2017 and 2018, such as a toggle between light and dark mode, a 16 character name limit (from 10), and a 2000 character limit on posts (from 800, initially 500). One feature unique to Cedar was the "Nah..." button, where users could Nah posts that they disliked in the same way that they could Yeah posts that they liked. The difference between the two variables (Total Yeahs - Total Nahs) would be displayed on a user's post, and one could click on the post to see the total amount of Yeahs and Nahs. Unlike Yeahs, Nahs were completely anonymous, the users who Nah-ed a post would not be displayed on it, nor could users view other users' Nahs on their profiles. Cedar also had a feature that allowed users to mention other users by typing @ and their username, which was added on March 31, 2018.

Administration and Vandalization

Cedar didn't seek very much administration at first, though this would be bound to change. The first instance of a Cedar user becoming an admin was BlindIsaac. BlindIsaac volunteered to be a Cedar admin and gave reasons why he would be a good one. Eventually, Seth promoted BlindIsaac to an admin.

Image posted by Gnarly representing the Cedar elections.

In early 2018, Cedar held what was known as the "Cedar Elections". Details of this "election" are unclear, including whether it was officially approved by Seth or not, but it was likely that the winner of the election would become an admin for Cedar. Known candidates for this election were Ben and Gnarly, both known for their consistent support of Cedar.

Cedar on August 18, 2018.

Cedar would begin to see more moderators in mid-2018, such as Nyargle. At one point, a clone user by the name of Konameme became an admin of the site, and a script was implemented that made the entire userbase follow him. Cedar was slightly vandalized during this time period. On August 18, 2018, Cedar would have all its text changed to the Fortnite font for a brief period.


On August 22, 2018, Seth announced that Cedar would have to be deleted if it experienced more than 6 hours of inactivity between posts. This requirement was met, and while Cedar was eventually deleted, there is evidence of Cedar remaining until at least September 3, during which Cedar admins such as Beforkers would delete many accounts and posts. Cedar had an unconventional deletion process: if a user popped up while using the search bar, that user would be deleted. Somebody managed to delete Seth's account through this process, causing a lot of technical issues. On the last few days of Cedar being up, it was completely filled with the Dell logo, from the logo to the communities. Then, Cedar eventually shut down, and its domain would redirect to the Epic Games store.

One of the final screenshots of Cedar.

Before the deletion, Seth made a backup of the database and uploaded it to Dropbox. The user Arctic uploaded the database to archive.org in September of 2018 as he believed it was a better place to hold the files.



Following its shutdown, Cedar would be rehosted as a Uiiverse-based archive under cedarisback.000webhostapp.com by a user known as PTR2☆TM, using the database that Seth backed up. However, this archive was shut down on July 29, 2020 following a spam raid.


An empty rehost of Cedar, initially of Openverse, was released on March 20, 2021 under cedar-trilogy.great-site.net. It has since shut down.


Screenshot of closetheverse.term.webs.nf.

A rehost of Cedar was made by Term on June 8, 2022 under closetheverse.term.webs.nf. The general community was spammed by several users, including the site's admins. As of June 18, 2022, this rehost has been suspended.


eaverse's logo.

Screenshot of eaverse, locally hosted by Komfudo.

eaverse is an offshoot of Cedar's source code created by Term. Its description implies that there are currencies that can be bought to improve the user experience, though this is likely a joke meant to parody EA's business practices. Its source code was posted on the Miiverse Clonapedia Discord server on July 31, 2022. Komfudo locally hosted eaverse as a test, noting that it was slow and unstable.

Screenshot of va.testready.isledelfino.net.

On February 3, 2023, Term hosted an instance of eaverse (now formatted as EAverse) under va.testready.isledelfino.net. It has a link to "get ultra fast speeds", that when clicked leads to a blank page with the message "403 Forbidden - You're probably getting this because you clicked on a link that wasn't free. We'll let you click on this link for free to go home, though."

va.testready.isledelfino.net was eventually shut down.


suckmyarse.000webhostapp.com was a rehost of Cedar made by Braden on June 2, 2023. It has since been shut down.


Screenshot of cedartime.000webhostapp.com.

cedartime.000webhostapp.com was a rehost of Cedar made by Braden. It was released on July 12, 2023. It has since been shut down.


Screenshot of Oak.

Oak was a rehost of Cedar created by the user Lukah_F. Development began on July 13, 2023, with Lukah_F adding more gaming platforms as community categories, and creating a total of 120 different communities. A user known as gray began "leaking" the website on closedverse.termy.lol. Oak's release got delayed due to Lukah_F's personal issues, but development continued on July 25.

Oak was released on July 31, 2023 under nonameverse.000webhostapp.com. Lukah_F posted the link to closedverse.termy.lol, causing the user deadPan to comment "ip grabber" on the post, as a joke. Lukah_F, not realizing at the time that deadPan was not being serious, shut down the clone 46 minutes after it was released to avoid further problems. He proclaimed that Oak was the shortest lived Miiverse clone, though it is unknown if this is actually true.

An article on Oak was uploaded to a wiki known as the Miiverse Clones Wiki, which was also created by Lukah_F, on July 31, 2023.


Qiiverse's logo.

Screenshot of Qiiverse.

Qiiverse was a rehost of Cedar made by the French user Aymo, under qiiverse.rf.gd. It was first shown in a YouTube video posted on August 21, 2023. A shorts version of the video was posted the following day.

On or before September 1, 2023, Qiiverse was suspended. Aymo would make a post on the InfinityFree forum claiming that Qiiverse, and three of his other websites, were suspended for no reason. This would begin a chain of replies where forum users, including moderators, would argue that the clone was suspended for risk of violating copyright, and that InfinityFree had the right to suspend accounts for any reason regardless.


simplycedar.000webhostapp.com was a rehost of Cedar made in September of 2023. It had an alternate link under dellverselameclone.000webhostapp.com. It has since shut down.


Screenshot of cedar.minihoot.lol.

cedar.minihoot.lol is a rehost of Cedar created by the user Minihoot on November 28, 2023.


"Solaris is a service that allows chatting, following and posting like the old Miiverse days !"

Solaris's logo.

Screenshot of Solaris.

Solaris was a rehost of Cedar released on October 12, 2023, under solaris.heliohost.us. It has since shut down.