Here are a few frequently asked questions (both hypothetical and actually asked) asked and answered.

Why did you make this site?

This is a long one.

tl;dr The history of these sites is interesting to me and I wanted to make centralized place for all of their information. Plus nobody else bothered to do it in such a large scale.


How often do you update the site?

I usually update the site every Sunday, since that's the day I have the most free time. I do make occasional edits on the weekdays, but most of the major edits come during the weekend. I wish I could edit this site more, but I have homework and other stuff to do, and that takes up my priorities. It seems I've been getting a lot more busy lately with other things, so I can't guarantee that I can edit the site frequently nowadays.


How accurate is the information on the site?

I'm sure most of the information I put on the site is agreed upon by most of the community, though on occasions the articles might contain inaccurate or missing information, though when I'm addressed about these I make sure to fix them.

Since most of the work for this site is done by me, most of the information comes from my perspective. I know from time to time I get accused of being biased and presenting a flat narrative, but I really try to make the articles as objective as possible. Though, I am just a single person, so I need to talk to other users and look through past documents to get the full picture.


How can I support this site?

You can follow this site's page on Twitter and give me feedback for what needs to be improved or what you want to see. Google Sites is free, so you don't need to support the site monetarily.


Can I edit/create articles for the site?

Potentially, but you'll have to fill out the form in the Editing page so I can share access of the site to your email.


How often do you edit the site's interface?

Occasionally. This is my first Google site, so sometimes I find out about features that could help the site look better.

Perhaps if I gain more knowledge in coding and website design, I'll be able to move the information to another website.


Why do you archive the site so often?

The internet is unpredictable, and this site could get deleted for any reason. I'm archiving the pages on this site often so that the information stays secure. I'm also doing it if I let other people edit the site and one of the editors decides to vandalize it.


Where are images hosted?

Most of the images here are hosted on a private Discord server. Some of the images come from the Wayback Machine, and there are also a few images that are directly uploaded to the site. The images on this site should be secure, but if there are any broken images on a page I usually find them on a snapshot of said page.

Note that as of 2021 when I was forced to convert this site to New Google Sites, it seems Google automatically hosts images as part of the website. I still keep images on Discord just as backup.


What if I am uncomfortable with my history being put on the site?

I get the concern, and if it's for something relatively minor I'll consider removing the information for your sake. 

I can't just remove articles' worth of information just so you can pretend your past doesn't exist, however. That would be counter-intuitive to the site's goal of documenting Miiverse clone information. All I can say is, these are the facts, and I'm trying to inform, not harass. It's not a good idea to judge people for what they did over a year ago anyway.


Do you think people outside of the Miiverse clone community would see this site?


That would be cool, though.
