Failed Invitation Attempts

This article will detail two instances of Miiverse clone users trying (and failing) to attract the attention of well-known internet personalities. These two personalities in particular are Etika and Chris Chan.


Sometime in mid-2018 during a stream from the late streamer Etika, a Closedverse user made two comments in a row in the chat asking Etika to check out Closedverse. These were drowned out by the rest of the chat and as a result Etika didn't get the messages. However, the Closedverse userbase became fearful of the idea that Etika and/or his fans would join the site. It is unknown if a fan of Etika's joined due to this incident.

Chris Chan

Multiple Indigo users tagging Chris Chan on Twitter to join Indigo.

In December of 2018, a good portion of the Indigo userbase posted about and memed the infamous internet personality Chris Chan. Since Chris Chan is known for being gullible on the internet (at least in his early presence, as nowadays he considers a lot of interactions from other people to be "trolling", and likely had that mindset during this time period), some Indigo users decided to try and convince Chris Chan to join the site by tweeting at him on Twitter. Chris never joined the site, either because he didn't see the messages or considered the Indigo users to be trolls and ignored them.